chapter two

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Next morning: [Author's pov]:

As Jungkook descended the grand staircase, the early morning sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a soft golden glow on the polished marble floor. The house was still and quiet, devoid of any signs of life at this early hour. The absence of maids or servants added to the serene atmosphere.

As he made his way towards the kitchen, a flicker of movement caught his attention. He paused, his steps faltering, as he noticed someone sleeping on the couch. It was y/n, peacefully lost in slumber. His eyes lingered on her, taking in the sight of her delicate features and the gentle rise and fall of her chest.

A mix of concern and curiosity washed over him. Did she sleep here the entire night? His mind raced with questions, but his gaze remained fixed on her sleeping form. Was I way too harsh last night..? I shouldn't have said that to her. He took a few steps closer, drawn to her vulnerability.

A pang of guilt tugged at his heart as he realized that she had spent the night on the couch in the chilly night. The blanket barely covered her, leaving her exposed to the chilly morning air. Without hesitation, he moved closer, his hands instinctively reaching out to tuck the blanket snugly around her, ensuring she was warm and protected.

A heavy sigh escaped his lips as he stood there, his eyes tracing the contours of her face. A mixture of emotions swirled within him - especially regret. He had never once talked to her this way before but last night he couldn't control his anger and ended up taking it out on her, thinking maybe she went to his grandfather and complained about him.

Last night, when Grandfather called Y/n, he saw through Y/n's lies but decided to not say anything to her. Later on, he contacted Jungkook and asked him for the answers, which made Jungkook assume that y/n was the one who told him about it.

Y/n's and Jungkook's relationship since their marriage has never been like real couples. On the first night, Jungkook had cleared his intentions towards her. He had told her how this marriage was against his will and how he didn't want her to get involved in his personal life. She was free to make her own decisions and live her own life the way she wanted.

There were 4 rules he made for them: not to interfere in each other's lives, she was not allowed to publicly announce their relationship, they would only contact each other if it was some kind of emergency, and last and most importantly, they would not involve Grandfather in their matters. Other than that, she was given every other right as Mrs. Jeon, wealth, luxury, respect, status, and almost everything else that she wanted. Each rule was made with each other's consent.

But all they needed to do was act as couples who were deeply in love with each other in front of family and friends.

Jungkook couldn't help but feel a sense of duty towards her well-being. Noticing a few strands of hair falling across her face, he gently brushed them aside, his touch feather-light. A tender smile graced y/n's lips as she felt a soft, warm touch, even in her peaceful slumber. Jungkook noticed the smile and froze down in his spot for a while.

Reluctantly tearing himself away, Jungkook took a step back, his gaze lingering on her for a few more moments. Soon he turned and walked away, leaving the scene behind. Breakfast could wait; his mind and heart were preoccupied with the unexpected connection he felt with y/n. For a moment, he felt like something inside him moved just at her smile which was a rare sight for him.


Y/n slowly opened her eyes, her gaze immediately drawn to the warmth of the blanket draped over her body. She couldn't help but smile, knowing that she was a messy sleeper who often kicked off her covers during the night. It was a pleasant surprise to find herself still cozily wrapped up.

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