chapter sixteen

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"Y/n, I asked you to stay."

Jungkook's deep voice resonated through the silent room making me halt in track. What does he want from me? I shifted my attention towards him as confusion overtook me.

On the other hand, Stella's gaze lingered on me and Jungkook, embarrassment had colored her cheeks as she quickly averted her eyes and made a hasty exit from the cabin.

I discreetly observed her departure from the corner of my eye, pondering the awkward tension she had left behind. I can somehow sense trouble coming my way. Why do I have to face him even on those days when I don't want to?

"Well," he broke the silence, redirecting my attention to him. His piercing gaze made me uneasy yet I managed to maintain a stoic expression. What's with that look, mister?

I silently stood there waiting for his next move but his silence only persisted. My brows furrowed as I noticed him carefully. It looked like he was waiting for me to speak and answer him. But the real question was which question's answer was he even expecting from me?

Perplexed, I subtly tilted my head, my face reflecting confusion. Does he genuinely believe that I possess telepathic abilities? The notion seems absurd. I couldn't help but contemplate how Mr. Lee, his secretary, manages to anticipate his needs. No normal human will ever be able to understand this or perhaps it's just a matter of keen observation.

But then again I am not his secretary nor his caretaker for me to understand his eye talks.

Shaking off those thoughts, I decided to break the silence. "How can I help you, sir?" I inquired, hoping to steer the conversation toward the more tangible matters. If he wants my assistance, then it must be work-related, and I intended to wrap it up swiftly and head out of there as soon as possible.

However, his question threw me off. "Don't you have anything to say?" he queried, leaving me even more bewildered. The confusion etched across my face deepened, unsure of what he expected me to address.

[End of y/n's pov]

-[Jungkook's pov]:

What's taking her so long? I've noticed that she has been ignoring me for a while now. Is it because of that kiss or is it because she loathes getting touched by me? The way she reacted that day left me with several unanswered questions.

But whatever it is, I want to know if she is ignoring me on purpose or if it's just my thoughts because I am not able to get rid of them.

"Pardon?" she gave me a confused look, and that only intensified my discontent.

"What are you talking about? What am I supposed to say?"

Is this woman doing this on purpose? Is it that hard for her to not understand what I am talking about? From leaving early to the office, to having dinner in her bedroom, she has done every possible thing to avoid me. This can't just be a mere introspection.

"Sir, if you have nothing important to talk about then I'll take my leave," and with that, she turned around and started making her way towards the door.

As she closed the door behind her a scoff escaped my lips as I gazed at the closed door for a while. Lifting my hand from the desk, I smoothly guided it upward towards my brows and applied gentle pressure between my brows.

This woman takes me and my words for granted.

[End of Jungkook's pov]

-[Y/n's pov]:

"I wonder what's wrong with him?" I mumbled in a low tone as I made my way towards the elevator.

This man is a walking puzzle. Only he knows what he wants and what he tries to imply by those tricky words.

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