chapter eighteen

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My gaze remained fixated on the mess before me-papers drenched in coffee and the chaotic state of my desk. Anger simmered beneath the surface of my stern face, a slow burn that threatened to erupt at any moment.

Nina started making her way back towards her desk, her passing figure and movements were a blur against the backdrop of my mounting frustration. With each step that she took towards her desk, my pulse quickened, and rage coiled within me. I clenched my fists, nails dug into my palms as I watched her retreat.

But just then, amidst the chaos, a voice cut through the tension. "What just happened here?" the voice asked, looking at my messed up desk state. Ella's arrival drew my attention, her shocked expression mirrored the surprise at the scene before her. My gaze flickered to the cup of coffee she held, and an impulse seized hold of me.

Without hesitation, I reached out and snatched the mug from Ella's grasp, determination propelled me forward. Ignoring any of her questions, I strode purposefully towards Nina, my heart pounded inside my chest with each step that I took forward.

"Hey, Nina," I called out, my voice sharp and cutting through the silence. She turned, confusion etched across her features, as he looked at me, before her expression morphed into shock as the coffee splattered across her clothes, staining them dark.

Her eyes widened in disbelief, the realization of what had just happened transpired dawning upon her. I met her gaze unflinchingly, my own expression devoid of remorse as I feigned innocence.

"Oops, my bad," I remarked casually, the corners of my lips curled into a smirk. "The cup slipped from my hand. I'm so sorry, but thank goodness the coffee wasn't hot, right?"

Her glare bore into me, like a silent accusation that now lingered in the air. But beneath it all, a sense of satisfaction simmered within me. I am not someone anyone can easily bully. Not at least a pathetic person like her can.

As her glare bore into me, I quickly suggested, "How about you go and change? Your dress looks quite expensive. It might leave the coffee mark behind." My words hung in the air, a thinly veiled attempt to deflect blame.

"Y/n, you-" Nina began, her voice sharp with accusation, but before she could finish her sentence, a deep voice cut through the tension.

"What's going on?"

We turned to see Mr. Lee standing nearby, his presence commanding attention as he surveyed the scene before him. Slowly, he approached us, his gaze shifted towards Nina's stained dress.

"What happened here?" he inquired, but his tone betrayed a hint of concern. It didn't seem like he truly cared about it.

"Mr. Lee, y/n purposefully threw the coffee at me," Nina complained, her voice tinged with indignation. Wow, what an actress! I am not saying I didn't do it purposefully but what she did before that was on purpose as well so won't she mention it?

"Ms. Y/n-" Mr. Lee started, his gaze turned towards me, a hint of surprise flickered across his features as he stared at me for a couple of minutes in shock.

Well...I can tell just by the look on his face that he is not ready to believe that I would do anything like this...and honestly, I can understand him after all I've always played innocent in front of him and others, and today it's not going to be any different. I will be doing it again.

"Well, the cup slipped from my hand," I interjected, meeting his gaze head-on.

He stared at me silently for a moment, seemingly weighing my words, until Ella stepped in to offer me her support. "Yeah, I saw it too. Y/n accidentally spilled the coffee on her. It was not intentional. Ms. Nina, it was just a mistake and for that, you don't have to put y/n in a bad light," Ella affirmed, her voice steady and unwavering.

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