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Adrian drinks a glass of water, having promised his brother that he won't drink any alcohol at all. Adrian won't complain of course, him being sober has a better chance at protecting Tatum, Sidney and Randy. Adrian turned his head towards the door when he noticed two figures walking in, and instantly recognized them as Sidney and Tatum with groceries in their arms.

Adrian placed the glass of water on the counter and walked towards them, taking the groceries from their arms, gaining a grateful smile from the both of them.

"Caterer's here." Tatum called out as various of friends greeted them.

Adrian carries the bags through a hallway that opens onto an enormous kitchen. Seeing Stu and some guys leaning over the sink drinking beer from a funnel.

"That's mature." Tatum said, trailing after Adrian into the kitchen with Sidney on the other side of Adrian.

"Where you guys been? We had to start without you." Stu said, standing up to greet his girlfriend.

Adrian places the groceries as he lets the others prepare the junk food feast. Other teens pop in and out before Randy appears amongst them, carrying an armful of videos tape.

"I thought we'd make it a Blockbuster night." Randy said, looking at Adrian who arched an eyebrow at him making him look away. He's still thinking about what Adrian had said to him at Blockbuster.

"I thought everything was checked out." Stu said, looking at Adrian and Randy with a confused look.

"I had 'em his in the foreign section." Randy said as Sidney looked through the tapes.

"The Fog, Terror Train, Prom Night... How come Jamie Lee Curtis is in all these movies?" Sidney asked, looking at Randy.

"She's the Scream Queen." Randy answered after a minute of staring at Sidney, sending a thankful look to Adrian when he brought him back to reality.

"With that set of lungs, she should be." Stu said as Tatum turns to Sidney and Adrian.

"Tits, see." Tatum said making Adrian smile and chuckle.

The quartet moved to the living room, Adrian helping Randy take the tape into the living room and placed them on the table and sat down beside Sidney.

"How many Evil Dead's?" Randy asked, taking a foot on what to watch as many hands go up. "How many Hellraiser's?" Many hands go up again.

Adrian heard the doorbell rings and decided to go for it, standing up from the couch to go open the door.

"Tatum get me a beer. They're in the fridge in the garage." Stu said, noticing Adrian's shoulders tensing before relaxing slightly.

"What am I? The beer wench?" Tatum said, standing up to get it anyway, stopping when she noticed who was at the door Adrian had opened.

Stu walked towards the door, wondering who it was. "Hey, guess who's here? It's that chick from Inside Story?"

"Shit, Dewey!" Tatum exclaimed, watching as Gale and her brother walked in. Confused as to where Adrian is going as he walked out of the door, talking about wanting to call his brother to check in. "What is she doing here?"

"She's with me. I just wanted to check on things." Dewey said.

"So you did, now leave... and take your media muff with you." Tatum said, taking off into the kitchen. She's alone in the kitchen as she empties the popcorn into a bowl, then pulls open the refrigerator, looks quickly, then remembers.

Tatum moves through the adjoining laundry room to the garage. Tatum stands in the doorway, searching for a light switch. She finds a button and hits it.

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