Chapter 7

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"How was it?" Julliard seemed very excited for all the details of the conversation. "I kind of freaked out; I just kept looking down." Julliard looked even more curious. "You could tell me more details if you want to. While we check up on your bedroom, I just checked, and it's all set for you."

Indila's bedroom back home was not very special. It was big, of course, and there was a place for her dresses, but it was nothing compared to the other members of her family. She felt excited about this new bedroom; Coriolanus definitely had style, and she was curious to know what he had prepared for her.

As she opened the big white double door, she saw a bedroom that emanated an air of timeless elegance and sophistication. The walls, adorned with delicate white silk drapes, created a serene atmosphere, and the sunlight filtered through them, casting a soft and ethereal glow. A white velvet carpet covered the floor, inviting one to sink into its luxurious softness.

At the center of the room stood an exquisite four-poster bed with a pristine canopy cascading down like a waterfall of silk. The bedspread was a masterpiece of craftsmanship. Against one wall, a vanity table with an ornate, silver-framed mirror reflected the room's beauty. A sitting area near the windows boasted white silk-upholstered armchairs and a small coffee table adorned with fresh white roses. She took a deep look; there were roses everywhere. She could see some in the bathroom sink and even on the closet table.

"He had chosen everything by himself," Julliard said. "He didn't let anyone show any opinion; he wanted this bedroom to be perfect for you." Indila was enchanted; the bedroom was so perfect that it felt like a sin to lay down in such white sheets.

"Now, if you allow me, I'll let you rest until dinner, Miss Trastámara."

"No..." Julliard waited.

"Julliard, won't you stay with me for a moment? I know that it's silly, but I really would enjoy having someone I could talk to. I know we barely know each other; it's just... Everything here is so perfect, and Coriolanus seems to have put so much effort for me to like it here, but I feel... alone."

"Of course, poor thing. It's really a lot you have been going through. Let's sit. I'll ask somebody in the kitchen to bring your meal here, and then we can talk. I'll be right back." Julliard smiled with a paternal face.

Indila fell onto the bed; it was really soft. She kept thinking about what Coriolanus had said and started thinking about what they would do or talk about in the evening. She didn't want him to think she was boring, even though she felt that way. She closed her eyes.

He had been so sweet to her. It was very considerate to think that she would want to get to know him before they actually got married, and even sweeter to give her this choice. Her family didn't give her this opportunity. She started to imagine his face. He was absolutely a very handsome man. He had curly blond hair, not just blond, the lightest blond Indila had ever seen, and also the lightest skin. He smiled in such a magnetic way, and then there were the eyes. Deep blue; it was like he could see through her with those eyes. He was wearing a white shirt with a marsala vest and tie; he looked very classy and also kind of hot. Julliard was correct after all.

The Roses and Hibiscus Chronicles - Coriolanus SnowWhere stories live. Discover now