Chapter 18

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Snow woke up late that morning; it was the morning after the wedding, and he felt like he had earned the right to do so. He also didn't have to work for the day. The announcement of the twenty-first Hunger Games was happening in a month, so he knew he would have a lot of work to do tomorrow. But not today. Today was for Indila Snow, his beloved wife.

Snow stayed in bed with her; she was still asleep. He was passionate about how she looked when sleeping—so calm, so pure, pure as the driven snow, just like him. No, not with this reference, he washed this thought away. He noticed that since the purpose night when they talked about Lucy Gray, he had been thinking a lot about how much he hated her; even Tigris mentioned her the other day. He wondered if she were alive and wished she were so she could see how much better he was doing now.

Snow ran his fingers through Indila's hair, then over her skin; she was still naked. Her skin was silky and delicate, like the petals of the roses he grew. She took a deep breath and smiled; Snow wondered if she was dreaming of him like she said last night. Indila was adorable, truly one of a kind; she reminded him of something he hadn't felt in a long time: how good it is to be loved.

She looked stunning all the time, even sleeping by his side. He felt genuinely attracted to her. That was the part of their relationship that was honest to both sides; they had good chemistry, as if their bodies could fit each other. The night was really pleasant after they left the party; he could do that all the time. The girl was truly flawless. Snow lands on top, and she was also a Snow now.

When Indila woke up, they had breakfast together and spent the day with Crassus. She insisted on how much she missed him during the day before. It was such a lovely day; they talked, they laughed, and they both had the chance to see Crassus' first steps. Anyone who watched them would say they were a happy family, and, after all, they were. Snow felt glad that his son was growing up with parents who loved him, something he hadn't had the chance himself, and he knew that, in some ways, neither did Indila.

Crassus had been babbling a lot in the last few days. They would say something to him, and he would reply by babbling as if he were actually talking; it was cute. "I don't think I want to get back to my life tomorrow. I'll miss you both so bad," Snow said, holding Crassus on his lap. He genuinely meant what he said. "Coryo, don't be so dramatic. This is your life now, and we will be waiting for you once you finish work." That gave him a good feeling. "I hope so, but I'm still going to miss you." Indila kissed his lips. "You are going to be fine; you always say 'Snow lands on top.'" Did he? He hadn't noticed. "You are a Snow too." "Thank God, you have a really nicer catchphrase. Ours was 'Fortaleza en la Historia, Honor en el Destino.'" Snow thought it was an exotic motivation for her to thank being a Snow. "What does it mean?" "Strength in history, honor in our fate. I never thought it suits my family; they were never strong or honored." It was a nice catchphrase. "I think you are really strong, though. Don't you think you had an honored fate after all?" Indila thought for a moment. "Yes, I had."

There was silence for a moment. "But Snow's is way better, the game of words, the opportunity for the perfect joke." Indila took Crassus from him, and Snow looked puzzled. "What do you mean? What is the joke?" Indila covered Crassus's ears with her hands. "Snow lands on top... of me" Okay, that was a bad joke, the type that is so bad you just can't avoid laughing at it. "Creative, I have never heard this one." Indila rolled her eyes. "Come on, you must have had a million girlfriends; nobody has never done this one before?" There was a discreet tone of jealousy. "If they did, I can't remember. There is just one girl I care about now. Now and forever."

Mila took Crassus because it was already his sleeping time. Snow and Indila had dinner together and then spent another amazing night enjoying their company. The following days were perfect; they had lots of sex. Snow was happy, truly.

A week before the Games announcement, Snow decided it was the right time to explain something to Indila. He did it at bedtime; he would not reveal every part, but she should be ready. Afterward, everybody would expect her to be standing by his side when he announced. She was reading a book; she loved reading. There were always some books on her nightstand, and she seemed to have grown fond of Panem's literature. "Babe, I would like to talk to you about something important." She put her eyes up and closed the book promptly. "Well, next week, we are announcing the Games together. It's a tradition here in Panem, and it's a tradition for you to stand by my side." Indila looked confused. "The Games? You have never told me anything about it." That was the problem. "Yes, it's a tradition since the last war to celebrate peace and remind the districts of how much they owe the Capitol for all these years of providing safety and order." Indila was even more confused. "The districts?" She should know this part. "Yes, remember I told you each 'part' of the country is responsible for one kind of essential service?" "Yes, you call these parts districts. I'm sorry. What are they playing for, anyway?" Snow had been thinking a lot about how to explain that without directly mentioning they would kill each other; Indila wouldn't like this part, he could tell. "The victor gets a new house in their district and provides supplies for them and their family for life." Indila cooled her face. "Okay, it seems nice." Better. "And we watch it; it's fun." "Is that the only thing you wanted to talk about?" "Yes." "Okay, I'll be there next to you."

It was easier than he thought it would be. Indila got back to her book, as usual. After some time, they kissed and followed their newly married routine, and when he kissed her good night, she said she loved him.

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