Christmas Eve 2024

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Standing in the cold night air outside an all-night diner in the tiny, out-of-the-way town of Norwich, New York, I feel the light snow starting to come down. Unsure why I am here, I let instincts and intuition guide me in the search for my only true love. Over many decades I have always discovered her, and sensing that now is the right time I set out to continue my search once again. However; I am clueless about where to find my missing piece, and a nagging worry lingers: was the last time our final meeting? Is she now truly gone from me forever? All I know is that something has pulled me here, all the way from Louisiana. I need to remain positive.



My grandmother's voice echoes from downstairs, urging me to hurry. I am typically punctual and hate making my grandma yell. Tonight has been oddly disorienting, like time has slipped away or slowed.

"I'm coming, Grandma," I sit on my bed, pulling on winter tights beneath my dark green velvet dress. I take too long pinning my hair back, but my grandma insists I look lovely when my hair isn't in my eyes. Although I'd rather wear jeans and a soft sweater, it being Christmas means donning this dress.

Every time I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I can't help but wish I looked as thin as the other girls at my Catholic school. It's tough carrying around 30 extra pounds, especially when it seems to settle in all the wrong places. My grandmother insists it gives me a soft, curvy silhouette, but all I see is excess weight; the fat girl.

In a rush, I grab my Bible and gloves and run downstairs. My grandmother, a typical Italian grandma with white hair and a kind smile, awaits on the sofa. Despite arthritis slowing her down a bit, especially in her hips and knees, at 75, she's still spry. My grandpa passed away before I was born, so since my parents died, it's always been just me and my grandmother, Gia Rossi."I swear, child, you're going to make us late to midnight mass; it's snowing now, and I want to drive carefully in case there is ice on the road."I know, Grandma, I'm sorry."She kisses my forehead and mumbles something in Italian."Ok, bambina, let's get a hop in our step, partiamo." With that, I put my coat on and headed to the car.



I hear church bells coming from down the street. I haven't stepped into a church since marrying Ava, and a handful of other times, she insisted. A smile crosses my face thinking about one of those times, and absentmindedly I head for the church, I wonder why the are bells ringing this late at night.

When it dawns on me that those bells are ringing for midnight mass, it must be Christmas Eve. With this realization, I then noticed the garland and lights strung over each street lamp and the storefronts, showcasing their season's finest. I have been alive for a very long time, and I've seen so much change, but some things stay the same. The Christmas seasonal tradition hasn't changed very much. Honestly, it doesn't surprise me that I was unaware of the season's festivities. Everything; especially time; fades away like a scar, a constant reminder of what once was.

I can't help but chuckle as I make my way to the church, thinking about the age-old misconception that vampires can't enter holy ground. But like most myths, that one isn't true. We can actually enter churches and graveyards, just not a church's cemetery that has been sanctified. Contrary to popular belief, we don't fly like bats and we definitely don't sparkle. Surprisingly, we can consume regular food, including garlic, though blood remains our preferred nutrient source. I must admit, I don't miss the digestion process, but I do however still eat occasionally.

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