Ava: Chapter Five

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I have not intentionally been ignoring Gladys or withholding information; the past day and a half has been an emotional whirlwind. I've felt a range of emotions, from deep sadness and a heavy heart to intense rage, anger, and a burning desire for revenge.

As I walk towards Ava and Gladys's tent I can hear their conversation. My sweet innocent Ava woke up feeling ill to her stomach, and Gladys conveniences her to lay back down and rest for the day reassuring her that the medical unit would be fine and that if anyone happened to come in she would come get her.

Gladys walks out of their tent and has a worried expression on her face.

"Good morning Gladys, I thought we could chat I do owe you an explanation. How about we go get you some breakfast."

She frowns and says, "Lord knows I want an explanation for all the bull crap I have seen, but I am also wanting to stay close to the tent in case Ava needs me."

"Ava is sleeping again. Come walk with me you appear like you could use some coffee."

I know she is truly overwhelmed because she doesn't smart off her typical Gladys response, she gives me a simple flip of her middle finger, and she says, "How the hell do you know that she's sleeping?"

I hold out my arm and give Gladys my best winning smile, and she huffs but takes my arm and allows me to take her to breakfast. Once she and I are sitting at the back of the mess hall, Gladys with a cup of black coffee and some toast that she is smothering to death with butter, she looks up at me and says, "Okay Buster spill the damn beans."

"Well, I will try, but I have several meetings today and a radio call I have to take at noon. Do you want the news about Ava first or my secrets?"

Gladys frowns and then asks, "Well, which is easier to tell and will help make sense of all the bullshit from the other night?"

"I will start with Ava, but Gladys, this is not going to be easy to hear, and it's not going to be easy to say."

She gives me a impatient glare, but then softens as she sees I am truly distressed over everything.

"So, you're aware that Dr. Petrov and Tatiana are witches. He inherited his abilities naturally, as they run in his family. While Tatiana has learned most of her skills through hard work, since her bloodline is not as ancient and pure as Dr. Petrov's. I had my reservations about him, but he's proven to be a decent, and good man."

She nods and says, "Tatiana told me everything about her and Dr. Petrov the other day after you and Ava left for breakfast, and yeah, I saw that he is truly kind and compassionate; the other night. Last night when he heard her cry in her sleep he came in and did a spell on Ava, and she slept like a baby all night."

"Yes, I spent the entire night next door in the medical tent, making plans and talking with them, while listening to Ava sleep. The moment I mentioned that she might be having a nightmare, Mikhail assured me he would take care of her and told me to relax."

Gladys sips her coffee then looks me in the eyes and says, "Stop hem-hawing around and explain to me what you are."

"Gladys, I am Upir; I think the term now is a vampire."

She laughs and says, "Vampires drink blood and can not go outside in the daylight."

"That's correct, but for me, it's different, and I do not know how or why."

"Wait! Gabriel, are you saying that you are a real-life fucking vampire!"

"Yes, but I can tell you all about me later. I need to tell you this secret now because it's a big part of everything dealing with Ava, and it's a long story."

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