Ava: Chapter Two

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Gladys takes me towards the back of the tent, and a petite girl kneels by a cabinet, restocking bandages. She has long, straight blonde hair. I try not to read people's minds unless necessary, but she's shouting. There are so many different voices coming from her mind. It is almost troubling to witness. As I try to probe further, I get an instant intense feeling of another supernatural being close by and getting closer. Gladys is talking to me, but I block her and everything else out.

"Please be cautious, Upyr. Intruding into someone's thoughts is impolite and offensive. Since you hold authority here, I deem it appropriate to offer you a warning on this occasion."

A tall, fair-skinned young man with icy blue eyes and long blonde hair tied back neatly, he wears a long white surgical tunic, which only makes him appear paler. As he walks in, several nurses greet him as Dr. Petrov, as they think many inappropriate things about themselves with the doctor. I walk towards the doctor as if I recognize him, signaling him to step outside the tent with me. As he and I walk out of the medical tent, a very tall, blonde woman walks into the tent, whom I assume to be his nurse.

"Excuse me, Gladys, I must talk with Dr. Petrov."

Stepping outside, away from the tent, I introduce myself.

"Dr. Petrov, I am Lieutenant General Gabriel Dăscalu. I wasn't aware of Kolduny (witches) here at my camp."

"After the new year, my team and I arrived at this expansive camp. I must admit, I have never encountered an Upyr as formidable and ancient as yourself. May I inquire about your age? Three hundred years, perhaps?"

"We can utilize skilled surgeons such as yourself, Dr. Petrov, particularly those proficient in the mystical arts. I've been referred to as Upir, Strzyga, Vrykolakas, Vampire, Strigoi, or Upyr, as the Russians like yourself term it, for the past 628 years. Dr. Petrov, purely in an official capacity, I am no threat to anyone here, and I can say the same for you."

"Without a doubt, Lieutenant General Dăscalu. My sole purpose here is to serve and contribute to any potential victory in this war. Sadly, many of my fellow Russians and young, latent Ved'ma have fallen victim to the Nazi regime. I'm unsure if you know that pure-born Ved'ma are dwindling in numbers." I have found something magical hiding in the young Polish lady working with Dr. Willard, but sadly, I cannot speak her language."

"Well, Dr. Petrov, I may be able to assist you with this. I have been asked to come translate for her."

The witch raises an eyebrow, smiles, and speaks. "Undoubtedly, I should have known that someone who has witnessed the rise and fall of empires would be quite proficient in many languages. However, I am fascinated by the abilities you possess. I would like to learn more about them when we have the time."

"Indeed, Dr. Petrov, it would be my pleasure. I will allow you to speak with the girl once I have the chance to introduce myself and learn a little about her and how she ended up in the middle of a road, willing to be run down to get help. With her apparent struggles and her obvious signs of distress and nightmares, I'll proceed cautiously for the time being. Now I have to return before I risk not making it to 629 years due to the wrath of Nurse Gladys."

Both of us chuckle at this realization, fully aware that she would undoubtedly attempt it, especially considering her fiery temper when she gets worked up.

As I follow behind Dr. Petrov, Gladys is walking from the tent with the petite young lady.

"Gabriel, this here is Ava."

"Ava, sweetie, this is Lieutenant General Gabriel Dăscalu, or just call him Gabriel."

Gladys forces a smile at me and a look that communicates, "Help her," and she walks back into the tent. The girl's head is down, and she does not look up towards me until after I speak to her.

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