Author's Note

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I will never let my teenager self regret that even though he has a hundred percent chance to bring his writings to life, he just kept it by himself as college and adulting made him occupied doing anything than going back to his passion. There are times that after writing some pieces in my unused notebook, I'll just close it and leave it there waiting to be seen. As much as I want to share it to everyone, I cannot find time and then I'd forget about it and the cycle goes on.

So I decided to make this book called "Blue Envelopes" where I can store every single
piece that I write—published or not, ancient or newborn, lengthy or epigrammatic, or just every single write-up that I want to keep. I cannot say that this will be my last book but let's just say that if ever my facebook account is no longer existing or I came to the point that I cannot invest myself in social media anymore, you can still look back and find my works here in wattpad.

Thank you so much if you were reading my works since pandemic and thank you also if you're just new here. Thank you in advance for reading this book. 💌


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