Everywhere, Everything

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Everywhere, Everything

There is a certain depth in my wounds I really want to let go but I couldn't even remember how to forget.

I'm stuck in the midst of the darkest phase you left in me and I'm still trying to light-up my way to get back myself again. I believe that the only way to recover is to face those planted scars in my ribcage and to fix those cut red roses in my bed that brings a countless moments of you before leaving. The scent of your perfume that's so addictive and could bring me into different world. Your voice that becomes a music in my ears every time I hear you laugh and whisper those I-love-yous and Goodnights before sleeping. The midnight cuddles and deep talks. The late night roadtrips and those long walks.

And all of a sudden, I miss you.

And this prose should be written in the sentences of finding my light in the darkest phase and a paragraphs of stepping forward and getting back to myself again.

But for the second time, I failed.

How can I forget you when every time I remember every single detail of yours, I always end up writing a thousand memories of us.


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