The Escapist

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The Escapist

To see life in different hues is magic tumbled in your entirety.

You might fall into different voids that will lead you into the universe of your own spirit but it does not make you unhook to your present living. To explore your secret fantasy with your ideation is to let your emotion escape in your anxious cage where you are imprisoned for a long time.

To live life without tint or pure pigment is still magic tumbled in your entirety.

Nothing is more enchanting than to satisfy your comfort. Even if it is way too different from others. Even if you do it in a way where no one can believe how you fantasize and involve your mind's magic. Escapists go in disproportionate paths and enter different paradise. A soundlessness nature. A kind of escape where your mind disconnects you from the world and forgets how unpleasant reality is.


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