Blue Rainy Evening

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Blue Rainy Evening

I could tell you how much your existence mean to me. I could tell you how flawless you look underneath the uncountable stars. I am still clueless why the coldness of the weather reminds me the warmth of your shaking hands. No wonder why there are couple of times that I still question the sky why it always rain for the memories that ripping the chains from my soul. I never ask to remember every inch of you—it never went well. I never ask to still hear those laugh while it dances in my head—it's too loud and makes so much noises. I used to believe that life entangles when pattern unravels. And I'm done battling with the cosmos of confusion you left in me. I just want to go back living without the drought—breathing with the teardrops of rainfall. Even my heart could sigh but this coldness makes me want to embrace myself again without thinking how sadly we ended up.

There are times that remembering is as heavy as the clouds before it rains. Wether I like it or not, I know that life will serve me a storm and break me into pieces. But the best thing I can do for myself is to always go back to my own warmth and forget that certain pages in my story. I travelled in the wrong direction for so long. And I need to turn around without any baggages in my back.

I might be a universe of exploding stars, but I still want to be seen as a rippling sea waves that calmly embraces the presence of the dawn.


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