You've gone crazy

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"Look here. Look at her. She is the woman who kidnapped me."

Jungkook wrapped his arm around Taehyung's shoulder and poked his inner cheek with his tongue.

"It was right." Jungkook said.

"It's over for you. There are two guys here now!" Taehyung said and grinned in happiness.

"It's what Y/N said." Jungkook said further.

Taehyung's happiness faded in a second hearing this and he turned his neck to look at Jungkook in disbelief.

"You've gone crazy." Jungkook said.

"What?" Taehyung was confused.

Jungkook nodded.


"Okay Y/N, I wanted to ask you that why is there a celebrity in my neighbour's house?" He asked.

What!? He knows. Oh no! I'm screwed for. Think Y/N, think! Why is there a celebrity?

Fuck! My sexy brain can't think of any excuses right now.

"I'll explain it to you later." I said and went from there towards my ex-working place, Kayo coffee company.

"Wait! You have to explain how's he there!" He said halting my steps.

"Okay" I said not to create suspicion. Oh God! What should I say to him now.

Author's POV:

"So you're saying that your cousin is mentally ill?" Jungkook asked with a shocked face.

Y/N nodded.

"Yes, his lifetime dream was to be a celebrity, and it really went to his head."

Jungkook was listening to her carefully being totally convinced with what she was saying.

"It wasn't bad at first. He said that he wanted to be like Kim Taehyung, so he started getting a plastic surgery to look like him. I should have stopped him right then. Now he doesn't stop at acting like Kim Taehyung, but he believes that he is Kim Taehyung." She said with sadness in her voice, of course fake sadness.

Jungkook was staring at her while she was explaining to him.

"Please work! Please work!" She thought while looking at his face to check his expressions.

He nodded slowly indicating that he was convinced.

"Don't you think that it's extreme to tie him up?"

"I-if I don't do so, he w-will go to the broadcasting station and act like he is Kim Taehyung. We got sued many times."

"Sued?" He asked.

"Yeah" she nodded.


Back to the present....

I'm really Kim Taehyung." Taehyung said not believing the fact that he has to prove his identity when anyone can see who he is.

"So you're saying that you were really kidnapped?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes it's 100% true." He said while smiling creepily.

Jungkook scoffed and said," Does that even make a sense?"

"No I-" But Taehyung got interrupted by someone's suppressed laugh. He turned his head to see that Y/N was suppressing her laugh standing in the corner of the roof.

A Twist of Fate (BTS Taehyung FF) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora