away games (q.h)

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Being away from home was weird, but anything for Quinn.

He invited me to the Canucks v. Devils game. I knew it was an important night for him, since he was playing with both his brothers in the NHL for the second time ever.

Jim and Ellen were nice enough to buy my ticket for the seat in between them and next to the boys' grandma. I insisted they let me pay them back, but they quickly dismissed that as ridiculous.

I had met their grandma before, and she was honestly the best ever. She treated me like one of her own.

Quinn had left the hotel around 3 to go to the rink, leaving me to get ready alone.

Queueing up some music, I took a shower and started doing my makeup and hair. I picked out a comfy yet cute outfit and slipped it on.

I finished up around 5, which was perfect because Jim and Ellen had invited me to lunch beforehand, letting me know Nana Hughes would meet us at the rink. There was a knock on the hotel door. I opened it to be met with the familiar faces of the Hughes's.

"Hi honey! How was your flight?" Ellen asked, engulfing me in a hug I gladly returned.

"It was stressful. There was a baby who was crying the whole 5 hours."

Now it was Jim's turn to hug me, "Hey sweetie. Good to see you again."

I smiled, glad to be comfortable with my boyfriend's parents.

We made our way to their rental car and drove to some random Greek restaurant.

After some quality conversation, Jim paid the check and started the drive to the rink.

Thankfully, the restaurant wasn't too far, so after 10 minutes we arrived.

Scanning our tickets, we walked over to our seats. But before we could even make it up the stairs, we were stopped by a group of teenage girls.

"Oh my gosh! Aren't you Quinn's girlfriend?" one of them asked.

"Yeah. Nice to meet you." I replied.

She grabbed my hands and started jumping up and down, "What's it like dating Quinn?"

I chuckled awkwardly, "It's pretty great. He's really sweet."

"I'm gonna marry him one day." she said, smiling at me.

Not knowing what to say, I just laughed and smiled. Eventually, she left, going back to her mom.

"Is that your competition?" Ellen laughed, wrapping her arm around mine and walking towards our seats.

"I guess so." I laughed in return.

We found our seats not long before puck drop.


It was 4-2 Canucks by the end of the 2nd period. Ellen was showing me some pictures of her recent trip on her phone, so we didn't even realize that we were being shown on the screen. I was completely oblivious until Nana Hughes tapped my shoulder. I turned to face her.

"Do the people know about you and Quinn?" She asked,

"Yes. People know we're dating but we aren't very public about it." I replied.

She pointed up at the screen, laughing, "Well it's pretty public now!"

I looked in the direction of her finger, seeing us on the screen.

My hands covered my face, "Fuck me." I mumbled.

Nana Hughes, Jim, and Ellen laughed at my reaction. Ellen rubbed my back as she chuckled.

I refused to look at my phone until we got back to the hotel.

We waited around a bit for Quinn, Jack, and Luke to show up. Eventually, they all walked to us from the direction of the locker rooms.

"Hey, look who it is!" Jim exclaimed, putting his arms up in the air.

The boys laughed and gave hugs all around. Jack and Luke both gave me a pretty tight hug before letting Quinn have his turn.

He wrapped his arms around me and spun me around, kissing my cheek. I heard a camera snap before he put me down, keeping an arm around my shoulder.


After a nice dinner, Quinn and I headed back to our hotel. He immediately hit the shower, while I stripped out of my shoes and clothes, putting on one of Quinn's shirts.

I plopped onto the hotel bed, laying on my stomach.

He came out of the shower, wearing a pair of basketball shorts and nothing else. He laughed at my current state of being.

"What's up with you?" He asked, shaking his hair in the towel to dry it.

"Nothing." I replied, turning my head to look at him.

Before I knew it, he gently threw himself on top of me. I groaned and rolled over, facing him.

He moved my hair out of my face, "Right. Tell me."

"You saw the camera facing me and your family, right?"

"Yeah. You looked great." He smiled, kissing my cheek.

I sighed, "Thanks. But I don't know, I guess I just didn't want to embarrass you."

His head fell down onto the pillow, "You could've been picking your nose or something and I still wouldn't be embarrassed of you."

He wrapped his arms around me, which allowed me to relax. We both quickly got tired and were on the verge of falling asleep.

"Y/n?" He asked, barely awake.

I hummed, too tired to answer with words.

"I love you."

That was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep.

I know jack didn't play in the 2nd Hughesbowl but we can pretend his did!

hope you enjoyed!

<3, J

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