sister (NOT romance)

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Luke threw his small stick across the living room, hitting Jack in the back. Mom and Dad were in the kitchen, but the thud of the stick hitting his body might as well have been heard in California.

Jack fell to his knees, letting out a cry. I immediately ran to his side and placed my small hand on his back. Luke was crying, but Quinn held him in his arms.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked, trying to get him to sit.

"No!" He cried out, leaning into my arms.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulder and rubbed up and down his arm. His tears were getting my new Bruins jersey wet, but that's okay.

Prying him away, I sat behind him and moved his hair so I could see his scalp. It was a dark red, and when I pulled my hand away, my fingertips were covered in blood.

"Mom!" I yelled, over the sound of Jack's cries.

She came running into the living room, Dad following close behind.

Dad focused on Quinn and a teary-eyed Luke, while Mom came over to Jack and I, falling to her knees. Her hands pulled Jack away from me, but he reached his hand out for my arm.

"What happened?!" Mom basically yelled.

My eyes flashed over to Luke, who shook his head.

I sighed, "My stick flew out of my hand and it hit Jack in the head."

Mom let out a heavy breath, "Y/n! How many times have I told you to be more careful around your brothers? They aren't as old as you and Quinn."

Since I was only 9, my eyes couldn't help but fill with tears when she raised her voice at me. "I'm sorry. I promise I'll be more careful."

"It's okay, just... go to your room." She said, taking Jack to the kitchen.

Wiping my tears, I headed up the stairs to my room. I shut the door, laid on my bed and faced the wall. My hands found a stuffed dinosaur the boys had given me for my birthday and I squeezed it tight.

I wasn't upset that Luke didn't want to take the blame, but I didn't like being yelled at.

There was a knock on my door, "Honey? Can I come in?"

"Yeah." I stated as loud as I could.

Dad walked in and shut the door. He made his way to me and kneeled next to me. Placing his hand on my back, he rubbed up and down.

"Listen, you know your mother isn't upset with you right?"

I turned to face him with red eyes and nodded. "I know she's just worried about him."

He sighed, "I saw Luke's stick on the floor by where Jack was. You didn't hit him did you?"

"No..." I admitted.

A smile appeared on his face. He laughed softly, taking a hold of my hand. He picked me up and started spinning me around. I let out a gasp, then started giggling.

He stopped and threw me on his shoulders. I held tightly onto the top of his head as he started walking towards my door. As soon as he opened it, Quinn fell onto the floor, Luke landing next to him.

"Hey!" Dad yelled as he laughed and scrambled down the hall.

~ 17 years later ~

"Did you know there's a fourth Hughes? But the thing is, she's a girl."

I rolled my eyes at the TikTok before quickly scrolling past. Normally, I don't let stuff like that irritate me, but it does get annoying.

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