guilty (q.h)

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You laid on the couch of your home in your boyfriend Quinn's hoodie. It was a black Canucks hoodie he had gotten from when they last played in their skate jerseys. As you rotted there and watched a random rom-com you had put on, the sound of the front door unlocking echoed through the house.

The sound was familiar enough to you, so you didn't move a muscle. You could hear his keys jingle as he set them down and the sound of him slipping his suit jacket off.

"Y/n?" He called out, already heading down the hall to his room that you both normally slept in together.

You let out a noise, letting him know where you were. The second he saw you, he let out a chuckle.

"Really? I just washed that." He laughed, moving around the couch to stand in front of you.

When you looked up, you could see Quinn looking down at you. His blue eyes were focused on yours, causing a warm feeling to flood your face. You tightened the strings of the hoodie in an attempt to hide your blush.

His hands landed on your hips and lifted you up. You let out a soft yelp, wrapping your legs around his waist for support. One of his hands ended up on your ass, the other coming up to pull loosen the strings so he could see you.

As soon as the hood was off your head, he pressed his lips against yours. Before you could kiss him back, he pulled away and kissed down from your cheeks to your neck. You laughed when he started biting at the collar of the hoodie.

"Quinn! Stop!" You chuckled.

He did stop. Sitting down on the couch, he kept you close. Your legs were on either side of his. lap and your hands found their way to his face, cupping it gently. He relaxed in your touch, giving you a soft smile.

"How was your game?" You asked.

He sighed, "We won but we played terribly. If we play like that come playoffs, we aren't making it far."

The topic of playoffs always had Quinn on his toes. Him being named captain put a lot of stress on him. He wanted to make the team better, but he sometimes struggled with not wanting to be the snobby young guy and being the team's captain.

You placed a gentle kiss on his cheek, "I'm sure you'll figure something out."

He wanted to speak again, but was distracted by your nails scratching his beard. He wanted to shave one last time before he had to grow out the traditional playoff beard, but something told him you wouldn't like this.

"You like it?" He smirked.

You nodded, "Even more than your clothes."

He laughed, "Yeah, speaking of. Why do you like taking my clothes like you don't take up half of our closet?"

"They're just more comfortable than mine. Make me miss you a little less."

Your words made his face drop. Leaving you every morning for morning skate, or leaving you every other day for an away game was hard for him. But he couldn't imagine what it was like for you.

He brought his hands to your hips, rubbing his thumbs soothingly up and down. You didn't say anything, you just gave him a soft smile. Sure, him leaving always sucked. But you knew what you were getting into. And if anything, you knowing that he was living out his dreams was enough.

The way he was looking at you, with a slight frown and furrowed eyebrows made your lip start to quiver. You recognized that look. You hated that look. It was the look he would give you he accidentally did or said something that hurt you.

"Quinn... it's okay." You whispered.

He shook his head, "No. No it's not. I asked you to move in with me because I wanted you here with me everyday. I'm never here."

You cut him off, "You're here now."

"It's not fair to you. You're always there when I need you. But I'm never here when you need me."

His eyes started to water slightly. You knew Quinn wasn't one to cry around you or anyone for that matter. He only ever did when something hurt him deeper than words could explain. You were a lot more sensitive than he was. So as soon as you noticed him starting to tear up, tears were already falling out of yours.

He gazed down, not wanting to look at you just in case he started crying. But, you didn't like this. Your hands picked his head up, forcing him to look at you. "Hey. I'm fine. I miss you like crazy when you're gone, but you come back. And if not seeing you every other day means you get to live out your dreams, then I'll wait forever and a day."

His hands wiped the tears on your face, "I don't deserve you, Y/n."

"Yes you do." You mumbled.

You leaned in and placed a soft kiss that he gladly returned. It was full of love, both of you focused on the feeling and nothing else.

"I love you." You whispered when you pulled away.

He smiled, "I love you more."

"Does this mean I can keep taking your clothes?"

"Take whatever you want from me. Everything of mine is yours. I'm yours."

no words. just enjoy :)

<3, J

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