the devil in us all

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"the devil comes in the form of a man

     big green eyes and a big crooked grin"


Amongst the chaos that insued after the fall of Wall Maria, no one noticed a small child wandering the streets. Her clothes were tattered, face and feet dirty from living in alley ways. Her honey blonde hair was dull and ratted. Her deep blue eyes were dull and lifeless. If she had laid on her back one would think she was dead. 

No one noticed the battered girl as she walked the edges of the streets, looking for scraps. 

Until someone did.

As word of the catastrophe spread Callida Jesper snuck into a house on the outskirts of Trost. She had never broke into someones house before and her trembling hands proved how terrified she was. She had heard the yells from the street about the monsters beyond the safety of their walls, and how somehow they now wandered within them. She knew what titans were, of course she did. Even the homeless orphans of Wall Rose were taught. Callida understood that if they were inside the walls now, she had to find more shelter than the alley way she slept in.

Hence why she was breaking into someones home.

Callida had seen the woman leave earlier so she assumed that the house was vacant. Even so, she tiptoed her way into the cellar. The staircase seemed damp as she descended into the darkness. As her eyes adjusted she seen food and water supplies.

Are these people dooms day planners? Callida questioned. It didn't matter. She found the darkest corner of the cellar and settled in, covering her ears in preparation to hear the screams of dying people. 

She didn't hear the quiet patter of feet coming down the stairs.

"Mom?" Callida's eyes shot wide open. The house was supposed to be empty. Callida shrunk even farther into the dark corner. As she adjusted to make herself smaller, her foot kicked an empty can. The rusted tin rattled as it fell over and rolled across the wood floor. Callida clamped her eyes shut and prepared for the worst. 

The sound of soft foot steps seem to come closer.

"Who's there? Better come out now before I drag you out!" a voice yelled. Callida's shaking frame came into view for a young boy. His once angry face turned soft as he crouched down.

"Pl-please d-don't hurt me mister! I-I'm sorry I-I-I thought this house was empty!" Callida whimpered out, still refusing to open her eyes. The young boy developed a soft smile.

"Nah, I won't hurt ch'ya. But you do need to come out of there before you catch a cold or somethin." His voice was calm and small. Callida's eyes opened slowly to view the young boy. He was tall, with a slim face. His hair was a soft red/orange color and his eyes were kind. He was smiling at her. Callida started to relax against her better nature as she started to spout off apologies.

"I-I'm very sorry, truly! I was only trying to hide from the monsters!" Callida exclaimed. The boys soft smile grew bigger.

"Monsters? Oh you mean the titans? They didn't make it this far in, Wall Rose is still in tact. We're safe here." He extended a hand to the shivering girl. "My name is Jean. Jean Kirstein! I live here with my mother." Callida looked at him curiously. No one had ever spoken to her so kindly, let alone introduced themselves as if they were friends. She pushed herself off the ground, swaying slightly. 

Go Down Together~A.ArlertWhere stories live. Discover now