10 years

21 0 0

"10 years flew by and i'll never forget 

loosing a friend of mine"


Callida's head was telling her to eat but her stomach was in anxious knots. Christa had patched up her hand and wrapped it before her and Ymir headed for the mess hall. Callida had told them she would catch up fully knowing she didn't plan on eating dinner. Instead she walked to the deck of the dorms and sat on the wooden steps. Her eyes viewed the dirt she would be spending the next three years on and she couldn't help but think about her and Jeans fight.

Maybe horse face was right. She would be better off sticking with him. After all, she had told him if she didn't make the MPs then she would join the Garrison. She had meant it at first too. She didn't have a desire to join the Scouts. But then she overheard some Scouts in Trost talking about the outside world. 'Even if it is dangerous, nothing feels better than fresh air in your lungs.' The Scout had said. That was all it took to change Callida's mind. She craved that view, she was hungry to feel the same freedom they felt.

"You okay?" a voice startled Callida out of her thoughts and her head swung to the side to see who had spoke. It was the blonde boy from earlier, one of the first ones to feel Commandant Shadis's wrath. Callida gave him a small smile.

"Yeah I'm good. Just thinking." he smiled and gestured to the spot next to her on the steps.

"Can I sit?" Callida nodded and returned her gaze to the training field. "You know it's dinner time, you should eat." He said to her. Callida rolled her eyes.

"I'm not hungry." She replied to him. He smiled a soft smile, one that Callida couldn't help but smile back at.

"Are you not hungry, or do you not want to see Jean." Callida was taken aback.

"Uh what? Why would that be the reason?" she tried to cover her surprise. She didn't even know this kids name and he was reading her like a book. He chuckled softly.

"I don't think you noticed you had an audience earlier. Plus Jean mentioned something about it in the dorm. What was the fight about? Was it what you said about the Scouts?" Callida wanted to glare at him but his blue eyes shown with interest. Something she wasn't used to. She finally sighed.

"Yeah, it was about the Scouts. I told Jean that if I made top ten I would join the MPs with him, and if I didn't it was the Garrison for me. I feel bad I lied to him, but I couldn't exactly come out and say it before. He's too protective of me for his own good." It felt good to talk about it. She couldn't explain why it was so easy to talk to this boy, she didn't even know his name.

"You remind me of my best friend. He's a cadet too, his name is Eren. He about fainted when he heard someone else say they aimed to join the Survey Corps." Callida's mind was turning.

"Why are you being so nice to me, you don't even know my name." He smiled and tilted his head to one side. It was cute.

"Well, I'm Armin Arlert. Im from Shiganshina, same as Eren and our other friend Mikasa." He held out his hand for Callida to shake. She thought carefully. Making friends was always hard for her. If she made friends here there was always the potential for her to watch them die, or vice versa. But having people she could depend on while on the battle field won the day. She grasped his hand and shook it.

Go Down Together~A.ArlertWhere stories live. Discover now