in case you don't live forever

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"in case you don't live forever, let me tell you the truth.

im everything i am because of you"


Graduation day was in the past for the Cadets of the 104th Cadet Corp. They had stood tall in front of their superiors, heads held high. Callida had been beaming at the ceremony, most of her friends had made the top 10. Christa was 10th, although everyone knew Ymir made herself look bad to accelerate her to the top. Sasha and Connie took 9th and 8th. Sweet innocent Marco placed 7th. Jean took 6th and to add insult to his injury, Eren had just edged his way into 5th. Callida's new found, and surprisingly good, friend Annie took 4th. Bertholdt was in 3rd and Reiner taken 2nd. 

No one was surprised Mikasa was the top of the class. She had even made some of the ranking officers jealous with her calm demeanor and aptitude to do well in anything that was thrown her way.

Callida was immensely proud of her friends and comrades. She herself placed 11th, just barley falling short of making top 10. If she had been serious in her conversation with Jean, she would have been bound for the Garrison regiment but after a couple arguments and even more heartfelt apologies, Callida felt no shame in choosing the Survey Corps.

The skies were clear, very few clouds obscuring the suns rays. A group of Cadets were perched atop of Wall Rose. On one side they had a view of Trost District, Callida and Jean's home. If they looked the other way, the land of Wall Maria seemed to go on forever.

Callida was working with Mina and Thomas performing maintenance on the cannons and stacking ammo and other supplies when Sasha approached the group.

"Can you guy's keep a secret?" She reached into her jacket and pulled out a lump of meat, "Cause I totally just helped myself to the officers pantry." Everyone's eyes went wide.

"Sasha! Your love for food is cute but this is just crazy!" Callida scolded the girl. Sasha just looked at her, a bit of drool spilling out of her mouth.

"It's fine! I'm willing to share." Sasha tried to reason. Callida rolled her eyes.

"Do you know how rare meat has been since the titans took Wall Maria?" Mina chimed in.

"Uh, a little bit, yeah." Sasha walked over to a supply box and stored the meat inside. "Just look at it this way, here soon we will take back all the room we need for live stock!"

The cadets started chiming in claiming slices of the food. Eren stood looking out over Trost. Callida stood beside him. She noticed he had a glint of mischief in his eyes. She opened her mouth to ask him if he was okay when there was a loud boom and a strong gust of warm air. Callida and Eren spun around and gasped in surprise.

The Colossal Titan was here. 

Callida's heart was pounding and before she knew it she was blown backwards off the edge of the wall. She screamed as she grappled for her ODM controls. She finally felt her wires shoot and the anchors sink into the wall. She landed feet first and looked up in horror. The Colossal's hand wrapped around the wall with its ugly, muscly fingers. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Sasha hanging by one side of her gear while the other side had sank itself into Samuels leg. He dangled from the wire, unconscious. Eren started yelling commands at the cadets but Callida was frozen on the wall. All she could hear Connys muffled voice yelling "They're gonna get in!"

Callida heard a loud puff of steam and it snapped her attention back to the present. She detached her gear and made her way up the wall to stand next to Eren. Her eyes scanned the top of the wall. All of the cannons were smashed, pieces of them scattered along the top. The box Sashsa had stored the meat in was no where to be seen. Callida turned her focus to Eren. He was looking over the wall with a face she had not seen him make before. The other cadets made their way back to the top of the wall.

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