how are you now

21 1 0

"i've been missing things that i couldn't have missed before,

and i was certain but im not so certain anymore"


Hand to hand combat. It was a good thing it was pointless for someone who wanted to join the Scouts. Callida was shit at it. She had partnered with Jean, so she was already at a disadvantage. Jean's height gave him the upper hand every time. He had pretty much given up effort and would hold his hand to Callida's head. She swung her arms at him and still fell 6 inches short. Callida huffed and quit attacking.

"One hit Jean. That's all I ask. Pleeeeeeease?" she begged. Jean rolled his eyes.

"Nah I'm good," he glanced over his shoulder, "you should have paired up with Christa." Callida giggled. 

"Why, so you could try to pair with Mikasa?" Jean's face turned tomato red.

"N-No! W-W-Why would you say s-something like t-that?" Callida's giggles turned into a full blown laughter. Jean smiled. He was glad that she was laughing even if it was at the expense of him.

"What's so funny?" A monotone voice spoke. Callida turned around, trying to stifle her laugh.

"Hey Annie, I was just pointing out Jean's crush on-" Jean clamped a hand on her mouth.

"Nothing! She's crazy!" He tried to cover up. Annie rolled her eyes.

"Okay? Jesper, I need to talk to you." She said. Callida raise an eyebrow.

"Uh, okay," she wriggled her way out of Jean's grip, "lead the way."

Annie lead her to the edge of the dirt, out of earshot from the other cadets.

"You're small, you need to learn how to use your size to your advantage." Annie spoke. Callida was confused. 

"My size?" Annie smirked. 

"I'll teach you my technique, if you tell me embarrassing stories about Jean-Boy." Callida giggled at the name, and remembered the trip to Trost where Mrs. Kirstein had come to the barracks calling for him.


Annie kicked Callida's ass the whole day. She didn't get close once to competing with Annie's skills. Callida was once again ass first in the dirt.

"Jesus Annie, where'd you learn this shit?" Callida asked, wheezing through the dust flying everywhere. Annie smirked.

"My dad taught me self defense. I used to get my ass beat like you until finally one day I gave him a limp he'll have the rest of his life." She said. Callida could have been mistaken but it appeared Annie had misty eyes. She held her hand out for Callida and helped her up.

"Ruthless." Annie chuckled lowly.

"Yeah, but its come in handy. But hey, at least now you could hold your own against most of the cadets here." She said. Callida felt immense pride in her chest.

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