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Entering the evening, Poppy struggled moving a chest full of supplies onto Branch's elevator. Once accomplished, she let out a sigh of relief and sat as the elevator began its descent. “Branch, you home?” Poppy called. “I have an awesome date idea that we can dooo!!” The enthusiastic troll hopped off the elevator and searched for her boyfriend. She found him napping, understandably so as he spent the day doing a deep cleaning of the bunker. Poppy smiled at the sight of him sleeping so peacefully, and gently placed a kiss on his cheek. She exited the room and made her way back to the open space.

Poppy spent the next hour or so setting up the materials in an organized fashion. She was extremely excited for this date, it included her favorite hobby as well as her favorite person. Just as he crossed her mind, he appeared in the doorway. “Poppy?” Branch asked groggily. “What’re you doing here? Everything okay?” The sleepy troll walked over yawning to hug her.

Poppy ran over to hug him. “Good morning, sleepyhead,” she teased. “Everything's okay! I just wanted to know if you were interested in having a stay at home date?” She held his hands and smiled, trying to win him over.

Branch melted a bit on the inside- Poppy's smile was his weakness. “I'd love to. What do you have in mind?”

“Yyyyeess!!” Poppy fist pumped the air. “Okay, so, I was thinking earlier: what would be a good relaxing date with Branch? Then, it hit me.. scrapbooking!!” She moved out of the way to reveal all the supplies she had brought for the date to commence. “I was kinda hoping you would say yes considering I already brought everything.” She laughed.

“Ohh I don't know..” Branch's voice trailed off. “You know I'm not the best at scrapbooking.”

“That's it, Branch! I also wanted to have a chance to teach you something since you're always teaching me new things.” Poppy gushed. She always wanted to teach Branch something he didn't know how to do for once. “Scrapbooking is simple, relaxing, and fun. You definitely have potential- I've seen it in the scrapbook you made me.”

Branch slightly cringed at the mention. “I’m glad you love it, but it really is not my best work.”

“In my heart it is,” Poppy declared. “but anyway we can still work on your skills! If you don't want to that's okay, but at least keep me company please as I scrapbook?” Poppy stared at him with soft and caring eyes, the ones her soft-hearted boyfriend couldn't resist.

“Let's do it.”

“YAYYY!!!” Poppy tackled him in a hug and showered his face in kisses. “We are going to have a blast- this is gonna be awesome!!”

Branch, surprised and flustered from the kisses, layed next to her on the floor with a goofy, smitten smile. He mumbled some incoherent words.

“Hm? Branch? Did you say something?”

“It's already awesome.” Branch sighed and lightly touched his face. Poppy giggled and helped sit on the floor.

“Alright, Branchifer!” Poppy began. “Before touching any of the materials, you must decide the theme of the scrapbook. Is it telling a story? Is it just a memory album? Is it about someone or something? Many options to choose from. So, what will it be?”

“You,” Branch said, still smiling. “I'm making it about you.”

“Aww, then I'll make mine about you!! This will be the 5th one in my Branch series.” Poppy started gathering the materials she would be using.

“Wait, you have more scrapbooks that are just about me?”

“Moving on! So choose the color of your book..”

The couple chose colors that suit the other- pink and blue- plus colors that complimented their main ones. After getting all the materials set, they got to work.

“Stay still, I’m drawing a mini you.” Branch glanced at Poppy’s position and copied it onto a mini piece of felt to cut out. Branch decided the first page would be about this little stay at home date.

“Make sure the out line is clear and that you know how to assemble the accessories before gluing them on the page.” Poppy instructed.

“Will do. Aaaand, done! How does it look?” Branch showed Poppy the outline of her laying on her stomach and instructing Branch. For one of his first times, it was good!

“Aww, Branch,” Poppy gushed. “It's so cute!! I think it's perfect. Now we snip it out by tracing the outline.”

Branch grabbed the scissors and attempted snipping, but had trouble keeping his hand steady.

“Here, let me help,” Poppy scooted over and placed her hands over her boyfriend's. “Ease up, tense hands cause raggedy snips.” Branch relaxed his hands and let Poppy guide him. “There you go!”

“Thank you.” Branch pressed a kiss against Poppy's forehead with gratitude and love. Poppy giggled and went back to her book.

Soon, Branch began to glue the finished mini Poppy onto the page, before he realized something.

“Oh, sugar,” He groaned. “I forgot your glitter freckles.”

“You’ve noticed my freckles?” The pink troll turned slightly pinker.

“How could I not? They're super cute and add a glow to your face.” Branch said casually. “Could you pass me that glitter bottle?”

His now dark pink girlfriend passed the glitter bottle to him. She leaned over and pecked his cheek. “Nobody’s ever complimented my freckles before.”

“Then I will compliment them more often.” Branch smiled. Distracted, the bottle cap busted open and sprayed glitter all over his face. “Great.”

“Let me help!” Poppy wiped his face off with her hands gently. Once his eyes opened, they met with hers. She smiled at him and he lightly kissed her nose. Poppy decided that wasn't enough, and kissed his mouth. He kissed back and they stayed that way for a while, enjoying the loving moment. Once pulled away, Poppy said “I'm gonna get the broom and dustpan to sweep this up, be right back.”

Branch took the opportunity to look over at Poppy's scrapbook. He got a closer view and noticed how many small details she includes for the cut outs and backgrounds. He didn't realize she was this talented at scrapbooking, and thought it was extremely admirable. “Poppy,” Branch started once Poppy returned. “This is amazing. I've never gotten a closer look at your work and this is beautiful.”

“Aww thank you!” Poppy smiled widely as she began to sweep. “I'm really glad we got to have this date, Branch. I feel so comfy and relaxed with you.”

“So do I.” Branch admitted. “But Popiffer, it's getting pretty late. Maybe we can continue tomorrow and sleep now? Only if you want of course. I can stay up here with you if you wanna continue- I was just suggesting-” Branch nervously rambled. This would be the second time he would sleep next to Poppy, and it still freaked him out a bit.

“Yeah.. yaaawnn.. you're right. Let’s go sleep. I'm beat.” Poppy stretched and held Branch by the arm, leaning against his shoulder as they walked to his room. Poppy changed into the emergency Pajamas, and they laid down side by side cuddling.

“Goodnight, Poppy,” Branch stared into her eyes with loving sleepiness. “I love you.”

“Goodnight, Branch,” Poppy stared back just as lovingly and sleepy. “I love you too.”

The couple drifted off to sleep with a new favorite memory between them, and with an extreme love for each other that could never be broken.

Oh my goodness 1k wordssss!! This one is long but I hope you enjoy :D

Lunadewwwww outtttt :33

broppy oneshots !Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora