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Julia's POV

Master Obi-wan and I arrived at Mandalore to meet Duchess Satine. We walked side by side through the palace in silence.

- Master?

- Yes?

- How long have you known Duchess Satine?

Master Obi-wan looked at me with slight surprise, and I looked at him with curiosity. - In the past, my master Qui-Gon Jinn and I were on Mandalore for a year and defended the Duchess from insurgents who threatened her world. They sent bounty hunters after us. We were always on the run, from day to day, not sure what the next day would bring.

- Huh. Sounds romantic. 

I smiled broadly, as innocently as possible, when Master Obi-wan looked at me in exasperation. He sighed and shook his head. - Never mind. This is all in the past. It will be better if I alone talk to the Duchess, you, young padawan, stay outside and look out for something suspicious. If you find something, contact me.

I nodded my head and lazily saluted. - Aye, aye, Master!

And he left me alone, and I decided to go outside. I watched interesting skyline of the city, carefully looking out for something suspicious. I felt the presence of someone and turned around to look at Satine and Master Kenobi, who were walking side by side and talking. 

Huh. It went quickly.

- And who you might be? - Duchess Satine asked, looking at me.

I quickly bowed politely before her. - I am Master Jedi Plo Koon's padawan. My name is Julia Vossen, it's nice to meet you. 

Satine nodded her head approvingly. - Likewise. Now, what will happen? - She asked, glancing at Obi-wan.

- We'll accompany you so that you can reach Coruscant in safety. - Obi-wan replied calmly. I didn't need the Force to feel  tension between the Duchess and Master Kenobi. They stared at each other intensely as they fought a battle of glances. I could only look at them. I coughed, getting their attention.

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