Chapter 5

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A/N: Sorry for the delay.

Julia came out of the bathroom with a confused expression on her face when she suddenly tripped and fell on the floor. - Argh... Blast it... Argh. - she wiped her face with hand and looked over to look at the cause of an accident.

The little friend squeaked in pain, lifting one paw up. Julia gasped and pulled herself up. - My Maker! I didn't see you, really sorry!- She said frantically as she approached the little dragon. The dragon looked at her with tears in its eyes. - Ouch, sorry. Come on, let me see.

The little friend gave a paw to her so Julia could take a closer look. - There's no bleeding, but I stood on your paw, didn't I? Awww, forgive me. - The little friend whined quietly, looking at his sore paw. Julia sent him a sympathetic look before leaning over and kissing the dragon's paw and stroking it gently. - There. The pain should pass. You could say this is my little revenge.... Not pleasant, but for my hair. - She looked at the dragon. - You came to apologize, huh?

The little dragon nodded. Julia sighed and stroked his head. - Apology accepted, and I hope you'll forgive me, ok? Will you forgive me?

The little friend looked at her, before he smiled and jumped into her arms and started licking her face. - Buddy! I just got cleaned up... But in this case I think I can accept that. - She mumbled, softly rolling her eyes.

- Julia! Julia! Julia! - Arin shouted excitedly as he ran out of the corner in a slight slip. Julia and the little friend exchanged glances.

- What's going on? - Julia asked.

The boy quickly walked up to her and grabbed her shoulders. His smile was so wide that it probably showed all his pearly white teeth, and his eyes were full of stars like nowhere else in the galaxy. Julia leant her head back in silent fear.

- It's happening!

- It's happening what? - She asked, furrowing her eyebrows. - And what made you so excited?

- We'regonnabeninja! 

She blinked several times. She didn't catch any single word, and also the fact that he was shaking her made her dizzy. - Woah, woah, woah! Hold your horses, okay? - She called out, putting hand on his shoulder and pushed him away a bit. - Take a deep breath, control your emotions and speak more slowly, ok? I didn't catch a word of it. 

Arin nodded his head. - Ok - He took a deep breath and took his hands off her. - Lloyd told me, just a second ago, that.... He's gonna train us to be real Ninja! - He squealed, clenching his hands into fists and smiling broadly.

- Wait what? Really? - She asked puzzled. The little friend in her arms also made a surprised sound. She exchanged quick glances with him.

Arin nodded vigorously. - Yeah, well... Maybe... Not directly, cause he said we need Master Wu to train us. But it's still amazing isn't it?! Our dream is finally coming true! I can't wait for it! - he was squealing like an excited fan and jumping in the air.

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