Chapter 6 ( EDITED VERSION )

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After they returned from the Three Peaks, the heroes' situation was rather peaceful. Arin, Sora and Julia got their own shared room in the monastery and now eagerly ( Arin the most ) await the start of their Ninja training. Julia, however... She wasn't sure what she was supposed to do yet.

She want, so badly, to be with her friends and train with them, but she was still haunted by thoughts of home. In the Republic, she had responsibilities, tasks and duties as a Jedi. Her homeland was at war in which people dying and suffering every day. As a Jedi, she felt an obligation to no matter what return to the Jedi Temple and her Master. 

She know that Ninjago is safe and that its people will never experience what they do. It was a beautiful realm and she didn't feel any signs of dangerous disturbance of force here. Well, there was still a perceptible disturbance in force, but not so twisted, freezing indifferent and dark like in the Galaxy. She could only guess that after her disappearance, the situation still hadn't improved, or maybe even changed for worse. But still...

Her stupid heart was torn between the choice - staying here and accepting the chance for a normal life or maybe finding a way back to her home world. There were many arguments for and against this choice.

Argument to stay was the chance to build a better life, free from a terrible war involving the dark side. And her friends, Riyu, Lloyd and Sora and Arin.

Sora and Arin. Julia owes these two a lot indeed and they have built a strong bond. She would gladly go with them wherever fate would lead them and she could jump into the fire after them. Julia really cared about them. They showed her the world from a completely different perspective, helped her feel free and taste the meaning of true peace.

The argument against was, of course, her Jedi role.  Loyalty to her master and her clone friends. Julia knew she can't just abandon them. The Wolf Pack are like her family, and a family should take care of each other and be loyal to each other. She won't also never become a Jedi Knight by staying here. That's what she was brought to the temple for, to become in the future Guardian of Balance and guard the peace of the Galaxy or help end the conflicts. If she just lets go like this, she'll destroy everything she has earned through all those years of training and learning the codes. She would give up part of her identity. 

No matter what she chooses, her other half will always be missing. And that's what she's mad at herself for. Her current attachment makes her hesitate about what she should do. She's not sure at this point what will be best for her and she also didn't want to come off as selfish. Should she follow her own feelings or listen to her own reason?





She sighed, lightly rubbing with her fingers the rough scales of a dragon sleeping on her stomach. She got caught in one big circle of uncertainty and she just knew she won't get out of it so soon. She pushed herself gently back and forth on a swing. She couldn't sleep and just was looking at a fan on the wooden ceiling, reflecting. 

She felt Riyu move and stopped moving for a moment. The dragon growled something in his sleep before snuggling with his muzzle more into the bend of her arm. Julia smiled slightly and resumed stroking his back. Believe it or not, but Riyu turned into something of a therapy pet for her. When she was worried, she just stroked him.

She looked at him for a moment before her brown eyes wandered to sleeping Arin and Sora on their beds. Arin was sleeping on a hammock and snoring, and Sora was sleeping on her bed with her face in a pillow. Her smile widened a little, then she breathed again and leaned her head back, closing her eyes.

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