Chapter 1

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**Welcome to Book 2 of my Princesses of Ahigarth series. While you don't have to read Book 1 (The Princess's Protector) to understand this one, it does explain a few things that happened leading up to this story. This story does contain mature themes (sex, violence, death, homophobia) but I will make a TW note at the beginning of each chapter as needed. 

Anyways! The book is complete, but chapters will be posted once a week. As always, this is a rough unedited draft, so please excuse any errors you may encounter. But please enjoy!! It's a wild ride for Rose and Rhys, so follow along.**


Wishborne Castle. Silva, Ahigarth - 2105

Rose "Rosie" Beckett

I held back a sigh when I entered the throne room; I had to meet with the citizens of Silva today, and I was definitely unprepared. The last few weeks since everything had happened with my now dead husband, Bain, back in the forest had passed so quickly. I had been crowned Queen, trained quickly by the counsel as to what duties the King would have done, and putting that training into action. But today was different. I had quickly adapted to being in charge, surprising even myself with how well I took to it. All my life I had planned on being a wife, the second in command, and now here I was alone and in charge of it all.

I sat down on the too-large throne, the large wooden chair built for much larger men compared to me, who was a little over five feet tall. It felt uncomfortable, and I'm sure it was a laughable sight. As a matter of fact, I knew it was. I had heard guards, men who followed my father and Bain with ease, talking about me when they thought I wasn't listening. Saying horrible things about having a woman be the Queen without a King to rule. Complaining about having to listen to orders by said woman. I said nothing for the time being, choosing to prove them wrong by doing just that, ruling. But it was getting harder to ignore.

"My lady?" A warm voice from my right snapped me back into the moment. I glanced over to see Ryder Wilde, my Hand, around the castle. He was a kind man, trained since he was a child by his father, who was my father's Hand before his passing. He was a tall, lanky man with long brown hair tied back with a leather band at all times. His soft brown eyes and warm smile always brought me some calm throughout these moments. I trust him very much these days.

"Yes, sorry. Were you saying something, Ryder?" I asked, collecting myself.

He stepped a little closer to the throne. "I was asking if you were ready. It's about time to let everyone in." He spoke with gentle tones.

I sent a prayer to the Gods for guidance today, as I did every day anymore, and then nodded. "Yes, I'm ready. How many people today?"

Ryder checked some list in his hands, his ever-present book of notes always with him, "It should be a good day, my lady." That was a relief.

Four hours later, I was gritting my teeth. It may have only been four people today with grievances, but they were men who wanted to push their limits with me. All because I was a woman. How pathetic. It was clear they thought could argue with me since I was not a King, a man. They would have never spoken to my father like this, they would have yielded to his command. It wasn't always like this when I had to see townsfolk, but today was a special day.

"I want my land back!" The large, burly man in front of me yelled, raising his voice much louder than necessary.

"As I have said before, Mr. Henderson, it is not your land. It was marked off just last summer with the proper land markings. Nothing has changed. You are dismissed, seeing as how you will not be reasonable. I do not want to hear another word about it. Good day." I dismissed him, my tone flat and cold. I hated being that way, but it seems there will always be someone who wants to push their way with a widowed Queen.

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