Chapter 11

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My bad for not posting this weekend! Lots of IRL stuff happening and the weekend simply ran away from me lol. So here you go! 


Queen's Bedroom. Silva, Ahigarth


I couldn't take my eyes off Rhys. 

I watched her practically run away from me and into the safety of her bedroom. I lingered in the doorway for a moment longer, eyes glued to that closed now, before finally shaking out of the daze. With a heavy sigh, I slowly closed the door and leaned my forehead against the cool wood.

What just happened? I thought wearily, closing my eyes.  

I'd been pacing my room, waiting to hear something from Rhys in the room next door. I wanted to apologize for my temper and to explain it wasn't her fault. That's when I heard the soft shuffling outside my bedroom door. At first, I thought I imagined the sound, but then I heard it again. Frustrated, I ripped open the door, lips ready to scold whoever this person was. 

As soon as the light from my room touched Rhys's form in the hall, any possible reprimand died on my lips. My mouth went dry as I took in the dripping wet fighter. Her strawberry-blonde hair dripped onto her white tunic, soaking through the thin material and making it cling to her skin. I could just barely make out the subtle outline of hard pink nipples under the shirt, and I sort of broke at the sight.

I could barely recall what she was saying, my self-control slipping away by the second as I continued taking her in. I knew I needed to say something. Staring was rude, and I still needed to apologize, but my words failed me. There was never a point in my life when I found someone as attractive as Rhys. 

Honestly...I don't think anyone has ever come remotely close to how I'm beginning to feel for this woman. 

I don't know if anyone ever came close to how I was starting to feel for this other woman. 

There is no way Rhys hadn't noticed my wandering gaze. She must have seen my attraction or thought I was weird for staring, so she ran away. 

I pushed myself away from the door and walked over to the small pile of logs beside the fireplace. I tossed a log onto the fire and stared into the inferno in a daze. 

This newfound attraction for another woman made me think about things I've never considered. I have no idea how to handle any of this! I am the Queen of Silva, dammit, and yet...I, I needed this woman by my side. Sure, I can simply ask her to be my lover but I'm not that type of person. I refused to use my power to force anyone into something they didn't want. I wanted to love another and to be loved by them in return. 

But can I love another woman in that way?

I thought about marrying a man and flashes of Bain's abuse instantly assaulted me. I grimaced and shook the memories away. I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly before I thought about being with a woman...about marrying Rhys and then I waited. Slowly, I could picture Rhys and I cuddling together, laughing in bed while we basked in the early morning light, attending council meetings and working on Silva as a team, tangled in the sheets, skin damp with need and heat. I blushed. 

I jumped when someone banged hard on my bedroom door. I spun around and stared at the closed door. "What now?"

Before I could grant entrance, the door flung open. Lady Serena Mason of Penketh stood in the door frame staring at me with amused green eyes. 

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