Chapter 8

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Rhys Bedchamber. Silva, Ahigarth


I was barely in my room for ten minutes when my sister barged into my room. I stood by the small window in my room, watching the sun descend and lost in my thoughts when the door banged open. Anaya looked angry. She locked the door behind her and stomped over to me before I could react.

Pointing a finger in my face, she demanded, "What did you do to the Queen?"

I leaned away, hands up in defense. "I didn't do anything to her. What are you talking about?" I asked, confused.

Anaya snorted. "Yeah, right. You were with her all afternoon. Then she comes into her room looking like a kicked puppy. What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything. Back off!" I moved away from her. "She was fine when I left."

"Then why was she upset, Rhys?" Her tone was calmer now but not by much, just less loud.

I threw my hands up in frustration. "I don't know! She was asking me about our family, and I showed her the letter they sent us. She seemed to enjoy all of it. Never once did she seem upset," I explained.

"What exactly did you tell her?" With her hands on her hips, Anaya looked like our mother when she was upset. If I weren't the one currently being yelled at, I would've laughed.

"I told her about you and Rory as kids. About what you two were like. I told her a little bit about when I was a kid. Then she read the letter and said something about them sounding kind. I told her they were, but we had our issues as a family. But she seemed fine when I left." I moved to sit on the edge of my bed, rubbing my palms together. 

Anaya sat next to me. "Did you tell her about the issues between you and Father?" she asked softly, knowing we both knew what she was referring to.

"Of course not. You know I don't talk about that with anyone, let alone the Queen of Silva. She didn't push the topic either, she just dropped it. I doubt she has any clue it was that. And I plan on keeping it that way." I felt sadness cover me like a blanket with those words. I couldn't tell her or anyone about that. 

That would be my secret for the rest of my days.

My sister reached out and rubbed a soothing hand over my back. "I'm sorry I accused you of doing something wrong. She just looked so sad. And I'm sorry you have to keep that part of you locked up. You know I don't care about that type of thing. I've always wanted you to find love." Her kind words brought comfort mixed with sadness. I wanted to be loved too.

"It's fine. The Gods seem to think this is the path for me. Who am I to fight it? Mankind is just behind on times, unfortunately. So until that day comes, I will keep it to myself. I am here to work and protect the Queen. Not to upset her or find love." I wanted to change the subject. "Did you and Rory get your letters?"

Anaya smiled. "Yeah, we did. They are very excited for us." 

I chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, they are. My letter pretty much talked about nothing else." Now, we both laughed. "How is your job going? Everything still working out as planned? I haven't seen Rory much in the last few days. Is he doing okay?"

She rolled her eyes. "He never leaves the kitchen. He's very excited, and the cook loves him. I will make sure he comes and sees you soon. I'll pull him out if I have to," she winked. "And I am doing just fine! I love it. Miss Lewis is strict, but I think she likes me, so I'm learning a ton. Being bossed around by nobles and guards is a bit different and takes a little to adjust to, but it's not so bad."

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