Best Friend

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Alexis has never been so excited.

While her brothers are in New Jersey and Vancouver for hockey, she's been stuck in Philadelphia playing with the Flyers all alone. But she just found out that one of her best friends, Jamie Drysdale, has been traded to Philly and is now gonna be a defenseman with her.

"Jamie!" She squealed, running over to him and hugging him once he was seen. He smiled brightly and hugged her tightly.

"I've missed you so much, Lexi." He muttered into her hair.

"How many times do I have to say-"

"Don't call me Lexi." They spoke at the same time. Jamie said it mockingly while Alexis said it seriously.

"Whatever man. Come on, we got practice." She rolled her eyes, leading him to her car.

The two made good conversation, catching up with one another. Some people may be like "don't they call?" Of course they do, but it's not the same. 

Once they arrived at the arena, media immediately started taking pictures of Jamie and Alexis entering the arena together. Alex got a text and her phone went off. She checked and saw it was from her sibling group chat.

Autistic Hughes'
Moosey: Luke
Lil Jizzy: Jack
Depression: Quinn
Baby: Alexis

When did Drysdale get to Philly?

Lil Jizzy
What Luke said

What Jack said

Like an hour ago

Where have y'all been?

Lil Jizzy
Doing stuff

Is that what that sound was? 

And that girl?




Lil Jizzy



Alexis turned her phone off and her face contorted into a disgusted face. Jamie laughed across the locker room at his friend who looked like she had just smelt something horrible.

"What's got you like that?" He chuckled.

"Jack slept with a girl with poor Luke in the next room." Her body shivered in disgust as she said that.

"Poor innocent Lukey." The defenseman sighed dramatically, shaking his head. 

The two got changed into their practice gear before they walked out onto the ice. Joking between one another, they received some confused looks on how the two know each other. Carter skated up to the two.

"What's the relationship between you guys?" The goalie had taking Alexis under his wing right away once she got there. She was a little girl, eighteen years old and no one in Philly that she knew. So he became basically her big, scary Philadelphia brother.

Of course, all three Hughes brothers had met him and get along well with him. Naturally they were relieved to know their little sister had someone to look out for her. He's taken penalties for her so she could stay uninjured, mostly.

Alex laughed. "Cool it, tiger. This is Jamie, real close friend of mine. He's the guy who just got traded here from Anaheim." He nodded in approval.

"I'm Carter, Carter Hart." The man smiled brightly, shaking Jamie's hand.

"Huh?" Jamie questioned the mood change of the goalie.

"He does that." Alexis said. "Goalies are weird." Carter gave her an offended look, to which she just shrugged. He skated off after that. "Ready for your first Philly practice?" She asked with a smirk.

"Oh yeah." He answered confidently before they skated over to center ice to get started with his first experience with his new team.


Not a sad Jamie one this time

WC: 526

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