Texts And Revelations

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The beginning is all texting, but I'm also gonna add some dialogue because I got a surprise for you guys and Luke..

sent at 3:41 am

LayLay 😍
Luke Hughes?

Moosey 😘
Why are you texting me
at 3 in the morning?

LayLay 😍
I may or may not have
gone out..
..and gotten drunk..

Moosey 😘
Oh jeez

LayLay 😍
Lukey I don't feel

Moosey 😘
I'm on my way.
I'll be there soon


Sent at 2:34 pm

Moosey 😘

LayLay 😍

Moosey 😘
What did I do?

LayLay 😍
My head hurts

Moosey 😘
Well no shit

LayLay 😍
What do you want

Moosey 😘
I'm coming to get
you for the game
in 15 minutes

LayLay 😍
I thought the other 
admin was in?

Moosey 😘
She's sick

LayLay 😍


Sent at 1:32 am

LayLay 😍
I need to tell you 
But I think you'll
break up with me if 
I do tell you.
So I'm gonna tell you
while you're asleep.
If you're breaking up with
me after I say this, don't
text me back and I'll take
the hint.
Please don't be mad.
I'm pregnant.
If you want to leave
because we're still so
young then, like I 
said, don't text me back.
I'm going to sleep now.
Love you, Moosey.


Luke was shocked to say the least. He was awake the whole time but he didn't know what to say. Of course they were still young, but this is what he's always wanted. He's always wanted to have kids once he's settled in the NHL. Obviously, he didn't expect it to be when he was 20 years old, but either way he was super happy.

However, after he read the text that Lacey was going to sleep, knowing she'd turn her phone off he needed to drive there. So he grabbed his keys and slipped on his birks despite the snow laying on the ground. Trying to sneak out, he didn't make it far when the light to the hallway turned on and the figure of his brother was seen.

"Luke Hughes." Jack groaned, rubbing his eyes tiredly. "Where the hell do you think you're going at 1:30 in the fucking morning. You have a game tomorrow."

"Jack, Lacey's pregnant." That got his brother's attention and it seemed as though he woke up completely.

"So what? You're gonna go wake her up? Dude, pregnant people need their sleep." He said, remembering when his mom was pregnant with Luke.

"She said that if I didn't text her back she knew I was leaving her because of how young we are, but I want this so bad, Jack. But she went to bed and her phone is now turned off. I need to go to her. Please." Luke pleaded. After seeing the look in Luke's eyes, Jack sighed and turned off the hallway light before retreating back to his room.

"Don't be too late. Actually, preferably just stay there and don't wake me up again or I'll fucking punch the life outta you." Luke chuckled, knowing even though his brother was injured, he would still murder Luke if he woke him up. Jack's not a morning person, let alone five in the morning.

Lacey's apartment, 1:35 am

Luke turned off his car and ran up the stairs of the apartment building until he got to the third floor. Once he got there, he quietly ran down the hallway until he found the door with the number 308 on it. His hand immediately formed a fist and knocked on the door. Shuffling was heard inside and the door opened, revealing Lacey and her dog, Rupert, who obviously didn't appreciate the wake up call.

"Luke?" Lacey whispered, evidently shocked. Luke's reply was hugging her tight with tears running down his face out of happiness. "Come inside, babe." She mumbled, pulling her clingy boyfriend inside.

"I would never leave you for this, Lace. I'm so excited." Her eyes lit up when he said this.

"Are you sure? We're only 20, Luke. Your career just began and I don't want to set you off track at all. We weren't planning on kids until you were more settled." Luke only shook his head and lead them into her bedroom where the two cuddled up in the bed.

"Goodnight, baby mama."

"No. Never again." Luke laughed with Lacey as they both fell asleep with Rupert protecting the soon to be parents at the foot of the bed.


I kinda went off track with the baby thing but I wanted to give Luke a child, so I did because it's my book and I can do what I want to do here.


WC: 725

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