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Pretend the Canadiens have a game tonight haha

TW: cancer

For the last five years of Taya's life, she's been battling stage three breast cancer. It's been hard on not only her but her family and her boyfriend. She actually lives in Montreal, born and raised, so Cole tries to visit her as much as she can. But with how often she's asleep or getting treatment, it's difficult.

But recently she's been feeling different. Not a bad different either. Something she hasn't felt in years. A sense of somewhat energy, a sense of life. A feeling of wanting to get up and move around. A voice telling her that she can do it and get through it. That she can do chemo and that she will win this battle.

Cole just walked into Taya's room where she was awake and watching TV. She turned her head and smiled at him. The boy noticed something in her. Her smile seemed more lively and happy. It seemed as though she really was feeling..good I guess?

"Hey, Tay." Cole spoke softly, sitting next to her on the chair by her hospital bed. His hands grabbed her cold ones.

"Hey, Coley." She said tiredly.

"How're you feeling?" He asked her right away. His thumb rubbed up and down her knuckles.

"I'm alright." She replied, smiling.

The two talked for hours with one another before her doctor walked in. He said that it was time for a check on how Taya was doing. The girl in the bed took a breath before standing up, with Cole's help, and heading to the room where she gets checked. Just like every other day.

One month later

A miracle.

That's what Taya thought as she sobbed in happiness. No one was with her as visiting hours hadn't opened saying it's still the early morning. But her doctor had just given her the news that any person with her illness hopes to hear.

She was cancer free.

She stood up happily and went to the area with the bell. All of her nurses and doctors who have helped her during her five years in the hospital all stood around the table with massive smiles and teary eyes. The girl, who felt more healthy and alive than she has in years, walked over to the bell hanging with happy tears in her eyes and a massive grin spread across her less pale face.

Ring Ring Ring

Everyone cheered as she rang the bell. Her nurses rushed over and hugged her tight as she cried of happiness. She got to go home. For the first time in four years, she got to go home. But one thing was on her mind.

Cole didn't know yet, and he had a game tonight.

Since Taya has been in the hospital their whole relationship basically, she's never seen Cole play live with the Canadiens. He got her a signed Caufield jersey years ago. It was a game worn breast cancer awareness jersey. The day she got it was the day she vowed to beat the illness that took over her life and sent her through a loophole to watch her boyfriend play hockey live one day.

The day she's vowed has finally arrived as she dressed in black flared leggings, a white hoodie, a Canadiens toque, and her signed jersey. She slipped on Uggs and got into the car with her parents to head to the Bell Center where the Canadiens were playing tonight. Once they arrived and parked, they jumped out. 

They scanned their tickets and walked down to their ice seats directly beside the Canadiens bench. Once the buzzer went, the boys all jumped onto the ice for warmups. Cole skated by Taya and her family. However, he took a double take upon recognizing a familiar jersey. He stopped in his tracks and faced her with tears in his eyes.

"You're clear?" He mouthed towards her. She nodded with a smile and teary eyes. 

Cole looked at the bench and sent his coach a look. Of course, his coach smiled and nodded upon realizing the situation and sent someone to get Taya and bring her down to the bench. Taya walked with the security guard down to the Canadiens bench. Once her boyfriend noticed her on the bench, he sprinted over to the bench and hopped off, pulling her into a massive hug.

"Oh my God." He whispered with a smile.

Fans all around the bench were confused at what was going on with them. They tried banging on the glass to get Cole's attention but it didn't work. His gaze was set on the woman in his arms.

"My survivor. I knew you could beat it." Cole said to Taya with a happy look, tears still in his eyes. "I'm so happy for you, love." A laugh escaped him as he hugged her again.

"You should probably warm up now." She giggled after a few minutes. He sighed and nodded.

"I'll see you after, yeah?" He asked her. She nodded. 

The boys went out and won that game 6-1. Cole even got a hat trick just for Taya that night. The girl had never been so happy.

Cancer: 0, Taya: 1


I didn't cry while writing this I don't have a clue what you mean..

Okay fine. I cried while writing this. It just made me so happy okay?

WC: 872

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