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chapter 21

— still march 17th

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— still march 17th

    Victoria had never believed in god, maybe it was how she was raised. With a mother who never grew up and a daughter who grew up to fast. She didn't seem to have time to believe in something she couldn't prove was there, she found refuge in data and a safety net in the stars. She found her family in super novas and she found her sadness in black holes. Victoria didn't pray, but she wished on stars. She wished for a mother, she wish for a father, she wished for a best friend and she wished to be loved. Luckily for her, all her dream came true, every time she wished, it came true. When Victoria was little she liked to think that she was special, that she had super powers.

But now, that she stood over the sink, her head down, her hair disgruntled and distressed, she wasn't sure if she wanted to believe in facts any more. They had always played into her favor, yet, now, they weren't? She supposed she had just it easy but she knew that they had just happened to be in her favor. Every A, every 99%, every single data had always been on her side. Yet know; in front of her the words were clear. She didn't want to believe, she just wanted to cry, cry and cry. But she knew her tears would be wasted, her tears were wasted to the data would stay the same. The words would never leave the small stick that she seemed to have fooled herself into thinking it would be false.

Victoria guessed that, she had still gotten her wish to one day have a child. Her wish just happened to come early, really early. Victoria did know one thing she would do, no matter how old she would be with the child. She would never, make her child worry about having to do taxes, get groceries or having to be chosen of their (potential) sibling. It was something no sibling should go through, yet a child. Victoria supposed that she was lucky in a sense, she had mentally matured faster then everyone else, so while her mother stayed the same child she was, Victoria would continue to grow and flourish. She was a flower, a flower that did well in the shade.


    Victoria, her name means 'Victory'. Yet, she didn't feel victorious. Was it something she had done? Was she just the kind of person who is unlucky? Tristan would be home any minute, and Victoria was stuck sitting against the bathroom door. Her head resting on her shoulder and her heart in her hands, she knew that Tristan would be okay with the... situation they were in. She knew that they had enough money for three lifetimes, yet she felt lifeless. It wasn't worry that seeped into her skin through her wounds, it was self-doubt. Victoria was worried that she herself, would turn into a monster —her own mother. "Victoria, I'm home!" Tristan yelled, as Victoria's breathing started to pick up their pace once more. "Victoria?" Tristan started to walk up the stairs, to their shared bathroom, when he heard a door creak from inside. Victoria got up, and washed her hands before she took some facial tissue, placing it around the test.

"Tris." Said Victoria as the phone rang. "Tristan!" Victoria said as Tristan just stared at her concerned. She handed him a facial tissue, inside was a pregnancy test.

"You're....?" Tristan said with joy as he hugged her close.

"Tristan what are going to do? This is going to cost an average cost 170,460 dollars a year!" Victoria cried as the ringing of the telephone downstairs got louder. "But I'm already slightly attached!" Victoria sniffed as Tristan kissed the top of her head.

    "We will figure it out baby. We'll figure it out." Tristan said as he sat his head on top hers , his hands snaked around her, his thumb ever so slightly rubbing against her stomach.


Victoria hasn't always been a fan of car rides, she remembers as a kid, her mother not entirely knowing how to drive. So during doctors appointments she would almost get them crashed and after awhile, Victoria stopped going to the doctor with her own mother. So when she was old enough to learn to drive, she did. And she did so safety, with Luke helping her ever step of the way. The curly haired girl drove along the long roads that lead to heartford, a road she had been use to since she was a kid. The road to stars hollow that her mother would drive to have the treats her grandmother would serve. So when Victoria arrived at her grandmother's house, she needed the comfort, Tristan was at work, he had started taking extra shifts at his job as an assistant for a big law firm. Victoria took in a deep breath and sat in her car and called and left a message for Tristan. 'Hey Pads, I need to talk to my grandmother, maybe we tell all our parents tonight at dinner? Talk to you soon, moons'. Sighing, Victoria got out the car, leaving her purse behind. She didn't want to tell her grandmother; but she had a feeling Emily already knew. She seemed to always know these things.

    "Grandmama?" Victoria called as she heard a loud amount of talking. Emily was firing one of her maids.

    "Victoria! What is it?" Emily asked as she came over, the maid walking out of the house. "You called this morning and gave me no details." Emily said as they sat down in the sitting room. Victoria felt tears fill in her eyes as she hugged Emily tightly. Victoria's word was spinning, not literally, metaphorically. Her world was turning upside down and her life was so different then it used to be. She could feel her throat dry up, she wanted to say the rods but she couldn't. 

    "I'm pregnant."


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— Happy Valentine's Day :)

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