16. Control

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Taehyung's POV

When I step out of the bathroom after taking a long shower, Jungkook is sound asleep on the bed on his stomach, still in his black georgette lace dress, his sneakers lie beneath the bed and his brown hairpiece lies on the bedside table along with the bracelet he wore today. I walk to him and stare at his tired sleeping form.

Yes, my dreadful wish came true. He and I got to spend one more night together. All the rooms were double rooms and mostly everyone paired with their first day's roommates. I don't feel like it happened by chance, rather it seems to me like my destiny or doom. Cause, why would the teachers let us share a room again even after seeing we are now so close? Like, when did they become so progressive? Or should I say unconcerned? Well, I mean I'm a teen guy and he is a cute girl here.

Extremely cute now when he is a guy. I kinda love this black dress on him.  So pretty, just like a doll.

Gosh! I need to stop thinking such things!

Pulling myself out of the trance, I bend down and gently slap his arm. "Jungkookah, get up. I'm back. Now your turn."

"I wanna sleep," he groans and squirms his face on the pillow.

"After you take a shower. C'mon, get up! You stink! I can't sleep beside you."

"Then don't.." he mumbles and turns his face to the other side.

"How come? We only got one bed this time. C'mon.." I say and smack his bottom, causing him to groan and roll onto his stomach, glaring at me. I grab his arm and pull him up. "Be a good boy and go wash up. You won't be able to shower tomorrow morning. We need to be at the parking at 6."

He lets out a sigh and crawls out of the bed, grabbing his bag that was sitting at the foot of the bedside table. "Give me that t-shirt and shorts you gave me last day," he says, unzipping the bag and pulling out a towel and underwear from it.

"It's somewhere under my bag. I'll get it to you by the time you finish showering."

"No! I want it now!" He stomps his feet and sits back on the bed.

"Okay," I sigh and go to my bag. I soon dig out the clothes he wore last night and I throw them to the bed. Grabbing them, he sheepishly walks towards the bathroom. Once he steps in and closes the door, I lie back on the bed with my phone and open my messages.

Jimin, my best friend had texted me asking how it was going. He is with me on the basketball team and we have been partners in crime since middle school. It was he who suggested the idea of attending this camp to spend three days with Ara. It was also he who helped me cheat in the drawing competition.

'I decided I'm moving on.' I text him.

He wasn't online, but immediately sees my message and starts texting me back.

'Why? Wht hpnd?'

'I lost interest.'

'Wtf Tae! I thot U r serious this time'

'Lol I too thought I was. But I realised I'm not.'

'U met sb else there?'

'kind of.'

'Woah! Great! I'm out. I don't even wanna knw abt the new grl. Fuck off!'


He is still online but he doesn't open my last message. He is so disappointed, I guess. I don't know how he is going to react when I tell him this time it is a boy. I'm not even sure if I should tell him.

I place the phone down and stare up at the ceiling. I can't let things go wrong. He's gonna sleep beside me. I really need to control myself tonight. Just tonight and tomorrow. After that, this will be over.

After ten minutes, the bathroom door clicks open and Jungkook sleepily steps out wearing my loose white t-shirt, the shorts barely visible underneath it. A white towel lies around his neck and water droplets drip down his wet hair.

"Gosh! Didn't you wipe your hair?" I ask him as he comes and sits beside me on the bed, his eyes drooping automatically. Ignoring me, he proceeds to lie down but I quickly move behind him and grab the towel from his neck before starting to dry his hair.

He tilts his head and looks up at me with sleepy eyes, too tired to even protest. "You'll catch a cold if you don't dry your hair properly," I say whilst thoroughly wiping his hair.

His hair feel so soft against the towel and it also smells yummy. I wanna eat him. I lean down and inhale his sweet scent deep into my nostrils. I think he used the strawberry-scented conditioner from the bathroom. If I knew it'd smell this nice, I too would have used it.

By the time I finish my task properly, he is already asleep with his head lolling forward. I run my fingers through his hair and remove a few locks from his forehead before slowly moving from behind him and gently making him lie down, placing a pillow under his head.

I can't help but stare at him again as he is sleeping so peacefully, breathing in and out cutely, his pretty pink lips slightly open and the most adorable thing, his chest moving up and down as he breathes.

I grab my phone and open my camera. Then I quickly click a few pictures of him.  Finally, when I place the phone down, my eyes get stuck on his beautiful collarbone, clearly visible above the neck of my oversized t-shirt. I somehow resist the urge to touch him there. Instead, I grab his arm and gently stroke it. He mewls softly and turns on his side, hugging my arm. The t-shirt accidentally gets pulled up, making his cute belly button visible. It feels like a trap but still, I stare at his flat stomach and his thin waist and soon I feel myself getting hot.

I slowly remove his hands from around my arm and reach my hands to pull down the t-shirt. But I couldn't control the urge to touch him. He shivers as soon as my fingers brush against his skin and I immediately withdraw my hand after fixing his shirt.

My eyes then land on his thighs and I find myself biting my lips, looking at those juicy thighs. My hand unconsciously reaches to touch but when I realise what I'm doing, I touch his knees instead and rub them gently. He lets out a moan, making me groan. I feel light headed and I look down in horror to see a tent in my shorts.


I crawl out of the bed in panic and rush to the bathroom.

When I step out after ten minutes, I try to not look at the bed again. I go and sit down on the couch beside the windows. I feel so tired that I quickly start to drift off into sleep.

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