39. Naughty

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Jungkook's POV


I tilt my face and look at Dad, withdrawing my hand from the car door handle. He had just parked the car in front of my new school and I was about to hop out.

"I need to tell you a few things," Dad says with a serious expression on his face. I nod to him, quietly. "Why did we join this school?" He asks.

I look at him confused. "Uhm...to study?"

"Yes, to study," he says. "So better concentrate on your studies. I want you to score better grades than you got at your previous school. Don't be distracted by other matters."

"I won't. I will study hard," I say while thinking about what he actually meant by distraction.

"And I don't want to be called to the school unless there is a parents meeting." I again nod to him, obediently.

He lets out a chuckle. "Jungkook, I'm not worried you'd enter into any fights or get into any bad boy gang in this school and pick up any bad habits. I know you wouldn't. What I'm meaning to say is, absolutely no funny business inside the school! Don't let teachers or students catch you doing anything with anyone. I don't care if you wanna be naughty outside the school, but no such things inside the school campus."

I stare at him in utter shock. This is an all-boys school. What does he mean? Is he okay with me being gay?

"Don't look at me with those eyes of yours. I know!" He sighs.

"W..what?" I stutter even more surprised.

"About your boyfriend. What did you think? I'd never find out?" He asks with a serious face.

"How did you..."

"How could I not?" He asks and lets out a chuckle. "That boy kept coming home every day while you were sick and I was in Belgium. I arranged to find out his details the very second our security mailed me his photo. When I found out he is not from your school, I thought maybe you met him at your bookshop. And I confirmed he often visits that shop to buy comics. But it's only recently I found out you guys actually met at the art camp. I'm guessing he knew you were a boy and maybe even helped you conceal the truth. Am I right, son?"


"Are you too shocked?" Dad chuckles again. "I know everything, boy. Who do you think I am? I had people following you when he took you to the art gallery and then to his house. And I know where you were yesterday morning and where you went last week. You thought you could fool me by asking Mr Song to stop at the cafe and then walking to Kim Taehyung's house?"

I stare at him unable to even utter a word. I heavily underestimated my Dad!

"Dad..then....why didn't you ask me anything when I said I wanna join this school?" I at last manage to ask.

"This is actually a nice school. That's why I let you join here. But I don't want you doing anything with him here, except study. You can ask him doubts about subjects if you want. He might be able to help you since he is your senior. But except that, no other business with him! Do you understand?" He asks sternly.

"Yes," I nod. "So....Dad, you are okay with him being my boyfriend outside school?"

"If you like him, why should I be not okay with it?" he asks, totally surprising me.

"Thank you, Dad! I thought you'd get really angry if you knew about us," I say feeling my eyes rapidly fill with tears.

"Ah...don't start crying now," he sighs. "I never saw you smiling after Seri's death. I thought you'd never smile again. But I got the pictures of you smiling and even laughing with him. And Miss Do said you recovered from your fever quickly because of him. If you feel happy when you're with him, I thought I should just let you be happy with him. Oh, but not inside the school!"

Unexpected Love Story ✔ [Taekook] Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt