29. Kisses heal

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Jungkook's POV

"How did it happen?" Tae hyung asks, glancing at my arm whilst buttoning down my shirt. Thankfully he let me change my shorts in the bathroom and only insisted on helping me wear my shirt. Currently, he stands hovering in front of me while I sit on the edge of the bed, staring at his adam's apple and his strong chin with sharp jawline.

"You had a nightmare and rolled out of the bed?"

"Oh..mhm.." I nod.

He gently grabs my arm and softly rubs my fingers. Then he suddenly bends down and kisses my palm, once again taking me aback and giving me butterflies in my stomach. "How did you manage to roll out of the bed when you have such a large bed, bunny?" he asks looking up at my face while I stare at him, still not out of the shock from the kiss.

"I-I somehow......don't kiss me like that!"

He smiles and leans down, kissing over my plaster cast. I feel more butterflies take birth in my stomach although his lips didn't touch my skin this time.

"I kissed you so that your hand gets well soon. Haven't you heard that kisses will heal injuries fast?" He asks looking up at my eyes.

"No.." I shake my head, breaking eye contact. "They don't."

"They do!" he smiles and sits down beside me, starting to caress my palm. "What nightmare did you have?"

"Uh..it was....uhm.." I stammer not knowing what to say. "It was kind of....er....I didn't fall off from the bed."

He frowns. "Then how did this happen?"

"My sister accidentally slammed her room door on my hand," I reply.

"What?" His eyebrows furrow deep. "Which sister? Eugene or Jieun?"

How does he know my sisters' name?

"The big one, Jieun, right? And you told everyone you fell off from the bed. Why? That means it didn't just happen accidentally. She purposefully slammed the door on your hand!" He says, looking suddenly mad.

"No! Why would she?" I ask. "I just didn't want her to get into trouble."

"Did she at least apologize?" He asks.

"Uh..yeah..she did."

"She didn't!"

"Okay, she didn't. But it was my fault. I tried to prevent her from closing her room door and she accidentally slammed the door on my hand."

"Why are you trying to protect her? I know that girl is a brat and she is extremely rude and she dislikes you!" he growls.

"Don't talk shit about my sister! How do you even know about her?"

"I saw her Instagram profile. Her comments to people are so rude. And her looks itself say she is a total brat," he seethes. "Her younger sister might be no better."

"No! Eugene is so pure and sweet. She is such a nice kid. You know, how much she cried after I broke my hand? She knew how it happened and she was about to tell Dad. I was the one who told her not to tell anyone."

"Oh.." he mumbles. "I thought she was also like her sister."

"No!" I shake my head sternly. "She actually wanted to stay here with me when Dad and her Mom left for Belgium. But Jieun wanted to take her with her to our Uncle's house. You know, it was a task to persuade Eugene to go."

"Okay," he nods. "What about your stepmom? Is she also like Jieun?"

"She's neither nice nor mean to me. She doesn't really speak to me. Guess she also hates me," I shrug. "But one thing, she doesn't prevent Eugene from being close to me."

Unexpected Love Story ✔ [Taekook] Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang