Oebalus Crater : Part 1

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Kishan took up the rear, allowing Quinton and Grant to get a little further ahead. As he followed, he tried to remember where they were. The path was unfamiliar. He couldn't be sure he'd ever been in this part of the station or if he'd just forgotten.

The lack of consistent light made this even more difficult. Dark hallways and flickering lights heightened the station's eerie feeling. He half expected them to come to a dead end with each turn. What he found was more human activity than they'd seen so far. The few who remained in this part of Dione operated here in the shadows, like rats scurrying from hole to hole.

Quinton paused, holding up the procession. He lifted his comm and called ahead. Kishan didn't recognize the name of the man he spoke to. It didn't concern him. He trusted his old friend. After a few moments, Quinton proceeded, his aging frame leaning into the task.

They neared the end of yet another dark corridor. There they met with someone that Kishan could not identify. He was a middle-aged man with indistinct features except for a large birthmark under the curve of his jaw. Kishan heard only a handful of words, though he understood the gist of the conversation.

The discussion didn't last long. When it was over, it left Quinton with a grim expression. He led Kishan and Grant forward, their interlocutor fading into the shadows. They walked several meters before Quinton finally spoke. "I'm afraid my resources are more limited than I thought. I suppose time will have that effect."

"So we have few options. We knew this could be the case when we landed."

"The ability to travel outside of the system is far less than I'd realized. I suppose I should have expected that."

"Still, you have something."

"There is a vessel scheduled to leave Dione later today. My friend vouched for the discretion of its crew."

"And it is heading in system?"

"Yes. It departs from Ascanius later today."

"We'll probably have to take that, then." Kishan felt more at peace with the news than he presented. He wanted to maintain a sense of urgency, particularly with Quinton.

"In system?" asked Grant.

"The ship travels between Titan and Luna," said the old man.

"Look, I appreciate your help. But I really have to get out of this system. There's no telling how long it will be before Runar starts looking for my family. I have to get to them first. Couldn't we just sell whatever this power source is and go our own way?"

"I am unfamiliar with the system you come from. How many planets are there?"

"Two colonized."

"So, can I assume that you have only a single interstellar in that system? At most, two."

"Yes, of course."

"Here we have settlements on two different planets. We also have people living on several moons and even more asteroids. There are four interstellars, and two of those are closer to Earth. Going in system gives us access to them."

Grant nodded. "That's different."

"If I could get you directly out of the system, I would. That may be the best path for you. But you must play the cards you are dealt. Unless you know someone here, we are far more likely to find a buyer on Luna, or Earth. We will also be close to another interstellar device."

"I've never been to Sol. So no, I wouldn't know anyone here."

Quinton turned and resumed his slow, labored steps forward. Kishan sidled up to his friend, offering his support. It was an unexpected pleasure for him, being able to help this man.

Quinton raised his comm and accessed transit schedules. "Now to get to Ascanius. Shuttles are regular. They are also not heavily used. Probably our best way across. Hiring a vehicle would leave a trail."

"How well are they monitored?"

"The Dominium has eyes everywhere, but there are ways of remaining out of sight."

"Then let's be sure we do."

Quinton punched in a number on his comm. The face of a young woman appeared before him. "Amanda, I need to take the shuttle back to the office. Will it be possible to take a nap on the next one departing Oebalus?"

"A nap, Mister Séaghdha?"

"Yes, I'm very tired and I will need to get some sleep on the shuttle. Will that be possible?"

"I believe so, sir." Her eyes searched for something unseen. "I can let you know in a few minutes."

"Thank you, dear. I'll wait." Amanda's face disappeared.

The three men continued walking, their pace checked by the old man's modest gait. They came to an elevator when a tone sounded on Quinton's comm. He lifted it and read aloud the words displayed: "Second pod prepped, 38 min." He looked up and smiled. "We are all set, gentlemen."

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