Oebalus Crater : Part 2

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They found Dawn and the others seated in one corner of a small cafe. "We were discussing options. Do you know how long it's been?" she asked.

"Couldn't be helped," Kishan responded. "It takes time to reconnect with the past. This is Quinton, a trusted friend."

The old man nodded. Dawn returned the gesture. "We have to find a better way to do this. You can't leave us stranded like that."

"You're right," said Kishan. "We should only split up if it we intend to make it permanent." He motioned for them to follow. "We will have to travel across to Ascanius. Quinton has arranged for transport in system."

They made their way to the transit station. Quinton leaned on Kishan's shoulder, his hand heavier as they progressed. Down corridor after corridor, up stairwells and across empty expanses, they advanced. They finally emerged in an open space with large windows. Through these, Kishan could see the moon's exterior. To the north were kilometers of open space stretching to the horizon. It was the vast gray landscape he remembered. Except for a communications tower to the northeast, the terrain was barren. To the south was the familiar gas giant hovering above the horizon.

"The shuttle station is a few floors down from here," said Quinton.

Two people were waiting on the platform. Neither looked up to acknowledge the new arrivals. Kishan didn't expect them to. Assessing them, he saw nothing threatening. He glanced toward Quinton. His old friend offered a smile and a nod which he took as an endorsement.

It was several minutes before the approaching shuttle shook the station. When it came to a stop, the transit tube opened, revealing two pods. The two commuters entered the first pod. Kishan led the others into the second.

As he found a seat, Kishan saw a pair of feet hurrying down the stairs to the shuttle. Through the pod windows he saw that it was an older man with a stern look. The man chose the second pod as well. With weathered features and deeply lined face, he found a seat near the front of the pod.

"Eghard, it has been a long time," said Quinton. He rose and shuffled to take the seat across the pod from the man.

"Quinton." Eghard did not look at anyone else.

Quinton nodded to the others. Leaning his head back, he closed his eyes. While Kishan interpreted this as approval, he also noted the move. He remained wary of their guest.

Grant sat next to Kishan. The others sat opposite, with Bobby furthest back against the end of the pod. A whoosh announced the closing of the tube, startling Quinton's eyes open.

The shuttle began moving. They sped along, the landscape racing by. The quiet lasted most of the first hour. Then Dawn spoke. "I might still know someone on Titan. Maybe she can help us."

Kishan glanced at Dawn, shaking his head. He preferred she say nothing more. She seemed to understand the gesture. He looked around at the man toward the front of the transit pod. Eghard sat unresponsive as though he hadn't heard. Kishan was sure that wasn't the case.

"Why would we go to Titan?" asked Bobby. "We have to go to Earth."

That was the conversation Kishan was hoping to avoid. He didn't know this Eghard. Quinton's "nap" had been code for an unobserved transit. That might still be the case, but their unwelcome passenger was a complication.

Had he been on his own, Kishan would have sat silently the entire ride. These people were not as accustomed to being secretive.

Grant spoke up, staring at Bobby. "We were thinking of splitting up. You and Dewey heading to Earth. The rest of us would stay here. Maybe Titan."

"But Dawn has to go to Earth too," pleaded Bobby.

"Why does Dawn have to go to Earth?"

"Is it because she talked to the aliens?" asked Dewey.

Out of the corner of his eye, Kishan saw Eghard react. It was subtle, a slight turn of the head. The man's hand slid toward his comm device. Real evidence of first contact was going to mean a big payday for someone. Humanity had no shortage of dreamers.

"Eghard, please do not attempt to contact anyone," said Quinton, his voice as cold as Kishan had ever heard it.

Kishan stood and walked to the front of the pod. Eghard cowered. Kishan reached out his hand, palm raised. The old man removed the comm bracelet and placed it in Kishan's open hand.

Quinton stood up and grabbed one of the overhead bars. He addressed the others. "They are looking for you. All of you." He looked directly at Dawn. "You should avoid contact with people you know, no matter how long it's been."

"Why would they be looking for me?" asked Dawn.

"They might not be looking for you specifically," said Quinton. "But they will look for any connection that might give them a lead. Leverage. If they discover you have ties to Sol, that makes you their tether. It's not important who you are. What's important is that they are looking for you. For us. Some of these people will kill if that gets them what they want."

Kishan noted Quinton's use of the word "us." It didn't surprise him. He knew the risk when he looked up his old friend. Quinton was the sort who took on causes.

Kishan returned to his seat, Eghard's comm device still in his hand. He searched the young faces across from him, looking for where the cracks would appear.

They came first from Dewey. "Who is trying to kill us?"

"Grant is carrying something of great value. I thought I made that clear when I showed up to take it from him."

"More valuable than an alien communicator?"

Kishan looked again to Eghard. The other man was staring his way. Was this man the sort who participated in illicit activities? Sizing him up, Kishan didn't think so. He was more likely the sort of opportunist who reported on them.

Dewey stood, drawing everyone's attention again. His face was bright red. He paused, looking at each of them. Then he stared at Kishan. "I have to know why someone wants to kill us. We have to know. All of us. We have to know everythin' about what is happenin'. That's the only way we survive. If you're hidin' things from us, then we can't work as a team."

Kishan didn't know Dewey. From his appearance, he expected the man to be more of a mouse. The look of shock on the faces of the others confirmed this. He wondered what sparked it. "Dewey, did you touch the artifact?"

"No, I didn't touch nothin'."

"He doesn't have to touch it," said Bobby, "It can still affect him. I went weeks without touching it, but it still haunted my dreams."

"Why is everyone actin' like we don't need to know?"

"Do you think our friend here needs to know everything?" Kishan pointed to Eghard.

"Well, not him." Dewey backed toward his seat.

Quinton threw Dewey a lifeline. "The young man is right, we all have to know. That is the only way this will work. But young Saanvi is right as well. A lack of discretion will get us killed. And yes, I include myself because I am now a part of this."

Kishan nodded his agreement. He looked at each of the others, finally stopping on Dewey. "Let us discuss this when we are on our transport and away from prying eyes. I will tell you everything I know."

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