A Joining : Part 3

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The temple was massive. It dwarfed even the dock where they'd landed. It's dome rose from the surface of the moon, the upper section protruding well above ground. This allowed for sweeping windows looking out across the surface. Dewey guessed that it wasn't the moonscape that was of interest. Instead, the Earth was visible toward the horizon.

In the center of the dome, well above them, was an elaborate pattern. It seemed to Dewey like a flower, or an exploding star. It was comprised of hundreds of small sections spiraling out from the peak.

"Any idea where?" asked Dawn. The look on her face told him she didn't want to be here.

"We're in the right place. That's all I can say."

"How can you be sure?"

"I can't, but it feels right."

Dewey pulled the artifact out of his pocket. He held it up for all to see. Turning it over, he closed one eye and studied it. "This thing doesn't look any different."

"Should it?"

"I have no idea what it will do, but if this is the right place..." He looked around. "Any idea what this place is for?"

Bobby lifted his arm and spoke to his comm. "What is the origin of Temple Daichi?" Before him spread information and graphic images about the temple.

As Bobby glanced over the details, Dewey started to walk around. The massive structure was empty. Along the walls were photographs and paintings of people. Some of these showed gatherings. Others were portraits.

Beneath the dome, the floor was sectioned off with aisles spreading out from the center. Each section was further broken down into areas a few meters deep. Here and there were scattered small rugs. Dewey assumed they were for kneeling.

"Says it was completed in the early twenty-one eighties."

"A hundred years?" asked Dawn.

Dewey made his way to the center of the structure. He could hear their voices echoing about the enormous space. Wondering if that was the point, he felt sure he could have heard any sound at all.

"The station was named after Sevda Aynur."

"Any idea who that is?"

"A scientist. Studied power systems here on Luna."

"Nothing there then."

"Oh, wait, here's something interesting. She worked on early McAfee technology. And she was on the ship when the first person dissociated."

"Could be coincidence."

"I'm startin' to agree with old Quinton," said Dewey. "Maybe these ain't coincidences. What does it say about the dome?"

"It was a marvel of engineering. Still the largest built by humans. Features an exploding star at the center."

"I think it's what we're lookin' for."

"Of course it is," said Dawn.

"No, really. Look at the center. All that light. All that glass. The very center. It's dark."

"How can you see that far?"

"If you walk around, you'll see the sunlight shinin' through it. Everywhere but the center."

"Okay. Let's say that's true. How do we get up there?"

"Wait a second," said Bobby. "Why would someone find an alien artifact and put it up in the center of a giant dome?"

"Maybe to keep anybody else from findin' it."

"Dewey?" a voice interrupted them. The voice wasn't familiar, but the accent was. He'd heard it on Pyroeis growing up around his sister. "Dewey, is that you?"

Dewey swung around to see a woman standing in the distance. She'd just entered the temple from opposite where they had come. He couldn't make out who she was, but her accent was definitely from Pyro.

The woman rushed toward him. Her flowing robes rippled behind her as she approached. She was taller than him, with auburn hair and pale skin. By the time she reached him, he still hadn't figured out who she was. Before he could say anything, she wrapped her arms around him and squeezed, lifting him from the floor.

When she'd finally let go, Dewey stepped back. He could hear Dawn and Bobby walk up behind him as he studied her face. "I'm sorry. Do I know you?"

The woman laughed. "No, maybe not. But I know you."

"And how is that?"

"Your sister. Gwen. We were best friends."

"You know Gwen?"

"I knew..." Her hand flew up to her mouth. "You don't know about Gwen."

"I know she came to Sol."

"Yes. Yes, she did. She came here with some guy. He was bad news. I'm so sorry Dewey. Gwen died a few months ago."

Dewey's mouth hung open. He hadn't seen or heard from Gwen in years. He didn't like her very much when she left. The golden child, his parents' favorite. Still, she was his sister. The immense temple felt even more so as word of her death filtered in. His head began to swim.

Someone placed their hand on his shoulder. It was Dawn. She came around and hugged him. It was a hug he'd often thought about, dreamed about. Now he didn't want it. She hung on for a few moments, then backed away. He didn't like the look of pity in her eyes.

He felt Bobby's hand on his shoulder next. That made the walls of the temple recede even further. He didn't remember ever feeling so alone.

Dawn turned and extended her hand to the woman. "I'm Dawn Imara. We came with Dewey from Odyssey. This is Bobby."

"Bobby Ray Elliot." Bobby reached his bony hand past Dewey.

"Cara Armas. I grew up on Pyroeis. I came here when Gwen needed me. I've been here ever since."

"How did she die?" asked Dewey.

"She got some kind of disease. The doctors said it was rare."

Even the words seemed far away, unreachable. He wanted to be able to respond, but he felt like he was listening to someone else speak. "And was it here?"

"No, she got sick here. She died on Earth. They have better facilities there."

"She always wanted to go to Earth."

"She did. That was her first time."

Dawn reached her hand to grab his shoulder. Then she turned to Cara. "How did you know this was Dewey?"

"Well, I never actually met him. But we knew he was coming."


"Gwen said it. She never knew why, but she said he'd come here one day. She was kinda waiting for him. I guess we both were."

"And you recognized him?"

"T-shirt and jeans. Who else?"

Dewey heard Dawn laugh. He smiled, though he wasn't sure why.

"Cara, we are in trouble," said Dawn. "We just came in from Titan and escaped a quarantine. Is there anyway you can hide us for a while?"

"You're the ones they're looking for? An alert went out a few minutes ago. I heard the Damasos were called in."


"You can hide here. Nobody comes to the temple anymore. Just us weirdos." Cara reached out and grabbed Dewey's hand. She pulled him along, leading all of them back toward where she had entered the temple.

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