- Introduction -

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Bones and All Spin-Off
(all songs can be found on Spotify)

Eaters - those who consume humans and regular food.

Normals - normal people just like you and I.


Aura - 19 - Eater, Suffers from constant family abuse, cautious attitude, zero trust in anyone.

Aura - 19 - Eater, Suffers from constant family abuse, cautious attitude, zero trust in anyone

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Katie - 18 - Normal, Aura's best friend. Has helped Aura get through life as an eater, rude, super protective of Aura.

 Has helped Aura get through life as an eater, rude, super protective of Aura

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Leon - 20 - Eater, "asshole" attitude, ate his own father, abusive past, struggles to control the "eater" side of him.

Leon - 20 - Eater, "asshole" attitude, ate his own father, abusive past, struggles to control the "eater" side of him

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Hannah - 16 - Normal, Aura's sister, suffered with severe depression, haunts Aura's dreams.

Hannah - 16 - Normal, Aura's sister, suffered with severe depression, haunts Aura's dreams

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Susan - 46 - Eater, Aura and Hannah's mom, severe alcoholic and drug user, abusive, hides being an eater from everyone.

Susan - 46 - Eater, Aura and Hannah's mom, severe alcoholic and drug user, abusive, hides being an eater from everyone

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Bob - 57 - Eater, also eats other eaters, medically diagnosed psychopath, becomes obsessed with Aura and Leon.

Bob - 57 - Eater, also eats other eaters, medically diagnosed psychopath, becomes obsessed with Aura and Leon

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Tommy - 23 - Eater, chill stoner hippie dude, lives in Montana, Leon's super good childhood friend.

Tommy - 23 - Eater, chill stoner hippie dude, lives in Montana, Leon's super good childhood friend

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~ Man Eater ~  Timothee Chalamet x Bones And All Spin OffWhere stories live. Discover now