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Just a warning: this chapter is long as fuck

Chapter Song: The Beach (Instrumental) - Lil Swervo Jr.

Photo Above: Halls of the abandoned Hotel_____________________________

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Photo Above: Halls of the abandoned Hotel

(10 hours later)

"Leon?" I spoke with tired words, lifting my head off my arm that had been resting on the passenger window.

He didn't say anything, just looked over and gave a slight smile. His eyes were droopy and sunken in, I could tell he was tired.

"You know.. you don't have to keep driving."

I wiped my fingers under my eyes, hoping to bring the life back to the dark circles I could feel. I didn't realize I had fallen asleep, clearly for a while. When we had left it was probably 3, maybe 4 am, now the sun was almost ready to set again, we maybe had an hour or two left of sunlight which meant Leon had probably been driving for more than 10 hours...

"Yeah" He yawned, "I think I passed an abandoned hotel right down the road, probably a mile back" he looked around, slowly coming to a stop along the long road.

"Anywhere sounds better than this truck" I chuckled.

He rolled his eyes, "tell me about it, I didn't wanna wake you.. you looked peaceful" He smirked.

I smiled, a small blush creeped on my cheeks. Thank god the sun was starting to go down. He turned the truck around and started making the drive towards the so called hotel. The road looked the exact same coming from the opposite side, we were in the middle of nowhere once again.

"You uh... You talk in your sleep by the way" I turned my head to look at him with an eyebrow raised

"I do?" He nodded as he let out a quick chuckle, "Who's Hannah?" He asked, my heart suddenly dropped, I looked away, blinking hard before focusing my gaze out of my window.

"Oh..uh" I sighed, hearing her name hurt.. I was still mentally beating myself up over what I had done.

"That's my sisters name.. Hannah..." I bit my lip, sinking down in my seat a tiny bit.

"Oh... Fuck I'm sorry.." He paused, "It seemed to be a good dream if that makes you feel better?" His face was plastered with sympathy and worry. I'm glad someone understood...

"I don't remember it to be honest.." I kept my gaze towards the endless trees passing us. "Probably a memory from years ago.."

"Tell me about her" He paused, "Only if you're okay to.. don't feel-"

I interrupted him, "no no.. It would probably help.. you would've liked her" I smiled to myself, she was a younger version of me, only with more mental issues.. I brushed a hand through my hair, pulling it to one side as I took a deep breath, exhaling slowly.

~ Man Eater ~  Timothee Chalamet x Bones And All Spin OffWhere stories live. Discover now