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Chapter song: Scary Music - Horror Music Of The Night

Chapter song: Scary Music - Horror Music Of The Night

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Photo above: Inside the abandoned building.

I couldn't take it anymore. I woke up completely drained of energy. Just pulling myself up from my sleeping position on the tree was enough to take my breath away.

I needed to find someone.. now..

It was still dark, probably around 3 am. My phone had died while I was asleep so at this point, it's just a guessing game.

I shoved my duffel bag in a nearby bush and started making my way towards the small town nearby.

As I walked, I kept my senses open. Sniffing the air here and there, waiting to catch that sweet scent of my next victim, but nothing.. there was nobody.

"God damnit" I cursed under my breath, finally seeing the town nearing closer.

I hoped someone in the nearby houses would be alone, outside at night doing god knows what, but I had only gotten my hopes up.

I sniffed the air once more, smelling.. blood. Someone's been here.. and by someone, I mean another eater. I could tell just by how strong the stench was. It was fresh. I followed my nose, turning a corner to find myself standing in front of an abandoned building.

This one was definitely done for. There were boards up on the windows, covering cracked glass. Graffiti covered the brick walls. I inched my way closer, making sure each footstep I took was completely silent. I peered through one of the boarded windows, taking a small whiff. The stench was coming from this building for sure.

My eyes scanned the innards of the building. There was broken furniture, glass and broken pieces of the ceiling all over the place. My eyes came to a halt as a black figure on the ground caught my attention. I looked in closer, making out the distinct shape of a body lying on the floor, someone was kneeling next to it, digging and tearing at the flesh on the person's chest. My breath immediately hitched, the anxiety sent chills down my spine.

I slowly stepped back. Number one rule for every eater - DO NOT interrupt someone after an attack, unless invited. It was the most dangerous thing to do. We go into a full frenzy mode whenever we eat, not physically, but mentally. There was no stopping us until there was nothing left but blood coated bones. It wouldn't be the first time another eater targeted me..

I stopped as my foot cracked a piece of glass on the gravel below me causing me to curse at myself under my breath. "You fucking idiot.."

I carefully peered back into the window. The person was gone, only the lifeless corpse was left, still laying in the same spot.

~ Man Eater ~  Timothee Chalamet x Bones And All Spin OffWhere stories live. Discover now