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It was a calm drive to Leon's friend's house. We were surrounded by dense forests, clean paved roads and rainy weather. Everything that happened just an hour ago was in the back of our minds, but neither of us dared to speak up about it. We both crossed our own lines.

"We're almost there" Leon yawned, pulling out his phone.

He dialed some numbers and put in on speaker, his hand glued to the steering wheel while the other clutched his phone in front of him.

"Yo" A raspy, semi deep voice sounded throughout the car.

"Aye Tommy" Leon had a smile on his face.

"Is that a fucking Leon I hear? The Lee himself?" The man chuckled, you could picture the excitement on his face.

Leon let out a chuckle, "Yeah man, hey look, I'm currently..." He glanced at the time on his phone. "Like 20 minutes out from your place, you still have that car?"

"Lucy? Duh I still have her, she's a beauty, I know you miss it" The man tsked.

"Yeah I remember the journey you took putting the inside of that thing together"

"Oh shit man, it looks totally different, anyway, I'm just chillin here man, I'll see you soon"

He hung up on Leon to which he shook his head. I couldn't help but look beyond confused.

"Tommy's an odd ball, if he wants to hang up, he pretty much gives you no choice" I chuckled along with Leon. I wouldn't be mad if someone ended calls on me like that. It beats the awkward carried on conversations cause both person's were too nervous to say bye.

"So Lucy?" I asked, I had a nervous tingling feeling that this car wasn't going to be any better than this stupid ass truck.

I'm surprised it hasn't broken down already.

"Ooooh yeah, uh- I guess you could say it's a school bus? Turned into a travel home hybrid thing?"

"What.." Not a fucking bus..

"Yeah, Tommy's spent the last several years rebuilding the inside. His girlfriend at the time wanted to travel and she bought a brand new bus, since then Tommy never stopped following her idea on how she wanted to remodel it. She wanted to travel and go anywhere she please."

"What happened to her?" I hope that wasn't the wrong question to ask.

I could see the hesitation on Leon's face. "She uh.. she killed herself two years ago..." He paused, pursing his lips in a half assed smile.

"Damn... I know how that feels.." I tried to soothe the sadness in the truck, hoping my relation with the situation and having someone I personally knew gone to suicide would ease him up. Some people just don't like talking about it.

"I didn't really know her, just try not to bring it up around Tommy. He was head over heels for that chick."

I nodded. Finally we pulled up a long gravel driveway, revealing the most cluttered, yet hippie looking log cabin. It was small, a couple of older cars were parked on the side, they were in dire need of a mechanic's magic. On the other side, I could see the bus.

~ Man Eater ~  Timothee Chalamet x Bones And All Spin Offحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن