Chapter 2: Meeting

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Ari awoke to the sensation of arms wrapped around his waist, drawing him in closely. As he craned his neck, he spotted tufts of brown hair scattered across his face – Sascha's unmistakable freckles. Sascha tightened his hold, cuddling Ari even more, and Ari, in turn, eased into the comforting embrace.

With over fifty years shared together, it was no surprise that Sascha struggled to sleep apart from him, especially in an unfamiliar setting like the one they found themselves in. Ari pondered the possibility that his exhaustion might have dulled his awareness, allowing Sascha to enter his room unnoticed in the night. He let out a yawn, attributing his weariness to the lingering effects of amylis in his blood. His demeanor was far too calm.

"Sascha...," Ari mumbled, his voice heavy with sleep, "what do you make of this?"

"I am not sure," Sascha replied, planting a kiss on Ari's neck.

"I do not sense any malice, but that only worries me more with all of this grandeur and warm welcome."

"It gives me pause as well, but what can we do? Even though Greats come from the mountains in Dantic, I was not raised there. I am as unfamiliar with this place as you are."

Ari rose at his words, suppressing memories of Kaval and their time in the mountains as best he could. How could he have forgotten? He had been to Dantic before. However, there was nothing but lesser demons and vast wilderness from what he could remember. Ari thumbed his lip in contemplation. They must be deep in the heart of Dantic.

"How long were we sleeping? In the carriage... Do you know?" Ari turned to ask Sascha.

Sascha remained lying on the bed, shaking his head. "It could have been days, weeks."

"You seem far too calm with all of this, Sascha," Ari noted.

"As you seem far too excited." Ari turned his head away with narrowed eyes.

"Do you really want to see him again that badly?" Ari muttered. Sensing Sascha's movements behind him, he soon felt Sascha's familiar arms wrapping around him, his head tucked into his neck. He was close enough that Ari felt Sascha's lashes brushing against his skin.

"Should I not ask you the same?" Sascha said, mumbling into his skin.

Ari turned his head and lowered his gaze to meet Sascha's.

"Which one is it... the one you want to see?"

Ari sighed and fully rose from the bed, bothered by the question. Sascha knew him well. Far too well. More than he wanted to admit.

The door opened, and Xaaza stepped inside, still wearing the same clothes dirtied from the events that brought them here. Ari could hardly imagine sleeping in such clothes. He had done it aplenty when he was a part of the Khaeo, but that was centuries ago.

"How did you sleep?" Ari asked, approaching her. Her hair was all in a disarray, and her eyes were reddening, probably from crying or lack of sleep. He could not be sure. Despite such details, she looked striking. She possessed the same kind of unrelenting beauty he found in Auovin, Ari realized, perturbed. He has been thinking of him more and more since their meeting.

"I did not sleep," she answered. "I could not sleep."

"Perhaps a change of clothes would have sufficed," Sascha said, capturing her attention. She eyed him before flicking her eyes back to Ari.

"You and he are... "

"Friends," Ari said. "He is a dear friend. He can be crude, but he means well."

He stopped himself from outstretching his hand and stroking her hair. He did not know her well enough for it. Physical touch was something Ari enjoyed giving and receiving, but it may not be the same for her. She had been through enough. She did not need an unfamiliar demon touching her unnecessarily. Still he... He wanted to know her better. He was riddled with questions. And he had given her his name. There was some intimacy in that.

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