Chapter 3.3: Tangled Truths

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Ari spent several more days in solitude, the weight of Nis' words heavy on his mind. The truth they held about his skewed perspective on his past with Auovin gnawed at him, forcing him to confront uncomfortable truths about himself. Had he been too quick to assign blame, too eager to cast himself as the victim? The realization left him reeling, unsure how to reconcile his past actions with his present understanding.

Yet, even as he attempted to untangle the web of his past, Ari found himself ensnared by the present. The mere thought of encountering Auovin again filled him with anxiety, leaving him uncertain of how to navigate their future interactions. He could not continue with the same mindset even as what Auovin had done broke him into pieces, making him question his own worth and value for hundreds of years. Had he done the same to Auovin? Ari pressed a finger to his lips, willing the thought away as best as could but the more he thought on it the more sense it made.

Auovin treated him badly. Ari remembered how much hate was present in his eyes in the early weeks spent with him. How he enjoyed making him suffer. How could he have forgotten? The town full of people slaughtered for trying to run away. Ari hugged himself and let out a weak disheartened sigh. He caused him much pain then and he enjoyed it for a time. Perhaps, it was not as pleasurable when Ari did not remember a thing, so he would force him to remember. Ari bit down on his finger, growing more anxious. Until he no longer wished to do so... Was that when he...

As minutes turned to hours, Ari found himself at an impossible impasse. He brushed his thumb against his lips wanting to distract himself, but like a relentless tide, thoughts of Auovin flooded his mind, bringing with them the unexpected presence of Nis.

Nis' image lingered from the nights before, vivid and haunting. Try as he might, Ari could not shake the dangerous allure that surrounded Nis, a magnetic pull that both frightened and fascinated him. Ari knew, with a sinking certainty, that Nis was no gentle soul—he was a Daeva manipulating and using Ari for his own gain.

And yet, amidst the chaos of his thoughts, there was a whisper of temptation—a tantalizing curiosity about the feel of Nis' skin beneath his fingertips, the softness of his touch, the delicate flush that adorned his cheeks. Ari's mind betrayed him, conjuring images of Nis that both thrilled and terrified him in equal measure.

Nis reminded Ari of the delicate pink flowers that bloomed near the side of the mountains. It was a dangerous comparison, for Nis was far from fragile. He was wild and unpredictable, with a darkness that lurked just beneath the surface. And yet, despite the rational part of Ari's mind screaming for caution, he could not help but be drawn to Nis' enigmatic charm in that one instance.

With a sharp bite, he drew blood from his finger. For weeks, he had sustained himself on bottled blood, a pale substitute for the blood drunk directly from the body. But now, with the thoughts of Nis so vividly etched into his mind, that hunger was rearing its ugly, monstrous head at the mere thought of Nis and how his blood would taste. How much he wanted it at that moment. What was wrong with him? Of all people, Nis? As if Auovin was not enough already. Ari silently scolded himself just as Kaval walked through the door.

He came and sat a golden tray at a nearby table and approached Ari with a bottle full of red liquid. It was as it was every week. Despite his disinterest in what was in Kaval's hands, Ari was grateful for Kaval's presence. His mind was taking him down a dangerous path that was better not to tread.

Kaval extended the bottle to Ari, but Ari dismissed it, grabbing Kaval's wrist instead, bringing him closer.

"I know you are growing tired of this blood..." Kaval said, placing the bottle back on the tray before giving Ari his full attention.

"For how much longer must it be like this?"


Ari eyed him. He took in the long slightly curled brown strands of his hair in his hand and twirled them around his finger.

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