Chapter 2.1: Ask Me

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Ari had secluded himself within the confines of his room for the past few days, finding solace in the solitude it provided. The occasional visits from the lesser demons served as a reminder of their concern, yet they respected his need for space, leaving him undisturbed for the most part. Amidst the quiet, Ari could not help but yearn for Sascha's comforting presence. Sascha had always been there for him, offering solace and security with his warm embrace, but now, Ari found himself bereft of that comfort. He knew he did not deserve it, not after the mistake he had made in the past, the memories of which kept Sascha at arm's length.

As Ari lay wrapped in the darkness of his thoughts, the faint sound of a creaking door reached his ears, followed by the gentle footsteps drawing nearer. Though he sensed no threat, Ari remained cocooned beneath his blanket, unwilling to emerge from the safety it provided. How many more relationships would he jeopardize in his longing for a demon who had long since abandoned him? It was a question Ari pondered with a sense of morbid curiosity, though deep down, he knew he did not truly want an answer.

"Are... you... well?" Xaaza's hesitant voice floated through the room, her words gentle and soothing, tinged with uncertainty. Ari slowly emerged from his self-imposed cocoon, meeting her gaze with a mix of surprise and contemplation.

Dressed in a beautiful blue shirt and loose-fitting trousers, Xaaza exuded an air of quiet elegance that seemed perfectly suited to her. Ari could not help but wonder if Zaiza had gifted her those clothes; they seemed like something she would choose. Yet, his musings were interrupted by her next words.

"I have not seen much of you in recent days," she said, breaking the silence that had settled between them.

"I much prefer solitude," Ari replied, his voice betraying a hint of defensiveness.

"I do not think so." Xaaza's brown eyes bore into his gray ones, her gaze piercing through his facade, unraveling his pretense with unnerving precision.

Feeling exposed, Ari sat up and ran a hand through his hair, attempting to regain some semblance of composure. "I suppose I do not," he admitted with a dry chuckle. "I do not fare well alone."

As Xaaza drew closer to the bed, her gaze remained fixed on his, probing gently but persistently. "Is there a reason Sascha is not here?" 

"Sascha and I... Well, how can I explain this..." Ari trailed off, his finger hovering near his lips as he pondered his words. He bit down on his finger in contemplation before continuing, "Our relationship was not always one of closeness. In fact, in the beginning, there were many differences between us that were hard to overcome... And I once caused him great pain. Enough so that he did not speak to me for a few decades."

As Ari spoke, Xaaza leaned in closer, her brow furrowing with concern as she absorbed his words.

"What I did at the meeting... It resurfaced those memories," Ari confessed, "It is no wonder as to why he is keeping his distance. He is not to blame." Ari paused, his gaze drifting away briefly before returning to meet Xaaza's eyes. "But I cannot say I feel remorse for what I did. I only regret that it hurt him."

"I... I see... " Xaaza's eyes flicked from his to the bed.

"You can sit if you would like. We are friends," Ari offered.

"Sascha must be precious to you," Xaaza remarked, her voice full of understanding as she sat beside him.

"He is. So much so I..." Ari bit down on his lip, unwilling to share any more intimate details with her. What if she mistook this as weakness and thought to take advantage? He did not want to expose himself in the ways he once did before.

They sat together in a comfortable silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Xaaza appeared deep in contemplation, her expression troubled and distant. Ari refrained from breaking the silence with questions, not wanting to intrude upon her private thoughts.

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