Chapter 3.2: Questions

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Ari paid close attention to the man's words as he took him through the busy streets. The demon city pulsated with life, its twisted architecture looming overhead like the gnarled claws of some ancient beast. Lesser demons scurried about, their pallid features illuminated by the flickering light of crimson lanterns that hung from every corner.

As they walked along the labyrinthine streets, Ari's gaze was drawn to a bustling marketplace teeming with wares he had never seen before. Stalls decorated with shimmering crystals and richly colored tapestries lined the cobblestone pathways, while merchants haggled over the price of the luminescent green gem in the prospective buyer's hand.

As the man continued to lead Ari through the city, Ari's initial sense of intrigue gradually waned, replaced by a growing sense of disillusionment. Each shop they passed seemed to blur into the next, their displays of trinkets and baubles failing to capture his attention.

Despite the vibrant chaos surrounding him, Ari could not shake the feeling that something was amiss. It was as though the man was deliberately guiding him through a carefully curated tour, showing him only the surface-level attractions of the city while keeping its underbelly hidden from view.

"What is it?" the man asked, stepping closer. Ari instinctively held out his hand, his gaze scanning their surroundings.

This place... It felt strangely familiar. As he surveyed the area, Ari's eyes fell upon the entry gates up ahead, causing his expression to harden.

"Who sent you?" Ari hissed, a knot of apprehension forming in his stomach. He should have known that leaving so easily was not characteristic of Nis. If Nis wanted him somewhere he would be there.

The man smirked, arms crossing over his chest. "Who else but him? He did not want you getting into any unnecessary trouble," he replied, gesturing towards the gates, a gesture that only served to stoke Ari's growing frustration.

"This situation can only end in one of two ways, as you're well aware," the man cautioned.

Ari's jaw clenched as he fought to control his temper. "Do you honestly believe I am under Nis' thumb? That I cannot come and go as I please, when I wish?"

The man shrugged and said, "I am not at liberty to say."

Ari swallowed the bitter taste of the situation, resigning himself to its inevitability. With a heavy heart, he passed through the gate, only to find himself standing once again before the imposing facade of Nis's villa. The man who had confronted him was nowhere to be seen when he glanced back.

As he stepped into the villa, Ari was met by the sight of Nis standing in the center of the room, a self-assured smile playing on his lips, hands casually clasped behind his back. Nis's attire caught Ari's attention immediately—a thinner robe than usual, adorned with intricate embroidery depicting delicate birds and plum blossom trees. The robe, a harmonious blend of light pink and cream, draped elegantly over Nis's form, the colors merging seamlessly into one another. Though mostly cream, subtle hints of pink added depth and warmth.

His gray eyes held a glint of amusement as he addressed Ari, his tone laced with a hint of admonition. "Sri, Sri, Sri... oh so curious. If you have questions, why not ask me?" he mused, his voice smooth as silk. "Out there, you may find yourself in more trouble than you would expect. It is not as peaceful as it seems."

Ari's jaw clenched, his frustration bubbling beneath the surface as he struggled to maintain his composure. He met Nis' gaze with a steely glare. "Although I may tease, I mean what I say..." Nis continued, his words hanging in the air like a warning.

Nis gestured for Ari to follow, and with no other viable choice, Ari fell into step behind him. They walked the silent, dimly lit halls, Ari shadowing Nis's every move. Two flights of winding stairs later, they arrived at a room illuminated by flickering candlelight, compensating for the darkness outside. Though a large window allowed slivers of moonlight to filter through, the thick clouds obscured much of its radiance.

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