The beatifull anxious-Mio

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I feel anxious.That's the sentence I could use for the whole night.Or yesterday or before a year.Like my whole word stopped.Like my little home I made,broke.


I wouldn't like to use that word.I have never liked english.Even if the school make us learn it.But now that I know I must know it makes things worse.
Especially when my mom decides to remarry to an British man.

"Mio!Bring me the salate sweetheart!"

I take the salata and go to the living room and place it on the table.
I see mom taking it and leaving it in the middle she looked at me and kissed me on my forehead.

Like I said I have never thought about that.

"Here is the rice!"Aunt Yamaki calls coming with the rice looking at mom smiling.She is mom's bestfriend.They have been friends since highschool.
"Leave it here."Mom says smiling.
"You should go and change they might come."Mom pats my shoulder.
Yeah I'm sure they will.
"I thought I'd be like this."I say looking at the time.

Six and thirty.

Everything happens too fast.I feel like throwing up.

"What!?"Aunt Yamaki yells making me and mom look at each other and laugh.
"Hey!Both of you!"Aunt Yamaki scolds and laughs.
"You should go and wear something nice!And maybe put little make up you know."She looks at me with excitement and I know why.She always wanted to do my hair my make up even though I'm still fourteen.But I have never liked those type of things.She looks at mom.
"Come on..."Mom smiles at me.
"I don't want to.I will just change."I say walking away.
"See you again made her angry!"I heard mom's laugh and aunt's.

I'm not angry beacuse of that.I'm angry because I don't want that.Im angry because I'm greedy.
I like the little life in Japan with mom and aunty.I don't want to change things.I have never liked changes.

I go to my room and open the wardrobe.I see all my clothes that are black but there is this dress that takes my gaze.The blue one that mom bought today. She is cute blue one with sleevs falling and not too short too.I don't know if it will match my black hair and especially with my bangs too but why not.It's July and at nights it's warm too.

How I miss school right now...

I have never wanted a siblings too.But it won't be different because I won't talk at all with him.


"Come in."I zip the dress.
"あなたはとても美しく見えます. "Mom walks with a smile.
She smiles more.She always smiled but this time more brighter.Her every smile from the moment she told me about the guys she's been seeing with and I lied to her that I don't have problem with it she became more...I don't know...happy.
I smile.
"ありがとう. "

She sits one my bed and gently hits the place next to her.I go and sit to next to her.
"I want to ask you again.Look Mio,I-"
"Mom.It's fine.Really."I smile feeling my heart breaking.
"I'm happy for me,for you.I am."I say and she immediately hugs me.
"Thank you,thank you!"
Then I feel someone else hugging me too.
"You both will make me cry!"I hear aunt Yamaki's voice.
"Hey get away you're heavy!"Mom yells as I laugh.
"Ugh!How dare you!I'm taking fit you know!"She laughs the we breake apart.
"Wow Mio-Mio you looks so beautiful!The blue is sure you're color!"I look in the mirror.
"I don't know I like more black."
Mom touches my hair.
"Do you think we should cut you're hair?"She asks.
"What?No!"I touched my hair.
I don't want to cut it.
"It's long and beautiful."I say.It's true.My hair is long and beautiful.It's around my waist.
But I know why she tells me that.

I look more like Aiko.
I look at mom.Seeing her dark blue dress and short dark brown hair in a bun.With her slightly make up touch.I'm sure aunt Yamaki wanted to do more but mom refused.And especially her eyes.Even if they are dark brown I how much they shine.
But looking at mine makes me wonder if they will even shine?
"You know there is a saying.That people cut their hair because they hold memory."Aunt says.
"If you want to forget something then you should cut it.She jokes laughing.

"Let's go."Mom kissed my forehead.

We go to the living room.Seeing the table."Will they be comfortable eating on the floor.You know how British people are."I chuckle.
Mom gives me a look.
"What?"I smirk with aunt Yamaki.
"They aren't so bad.Plus you've seen Jonathan he almost holds the chopsticks!"I look at rhe vorks.
"Uh-huh.Yeah I've seen him."We laugh.
"But I have never seen hi son actually.Where is he?"Aunty asks.
"He was in school aboard.He came before a week.I was actually sad and thought to have the dinner another time.Because of how he will need to travel to Japan now.But Jonathan said it will be fine."Mom said.

"I know he is highschool and his name is Landon.I think that's should be enough for now."I say.
Mom gives me a look.
"Okay what's his favorite color?"I ask as aunty chuckles.
"I need to go."Aunty stands.
"Have fun and Ariko don't forget to tell me everything!"We laugh.
"Okay,okay.Take care."Mom says.
"I will go to sent her."She looks at me standing and pats my head.
I nodded.

I look at the clock.


I'm anxious.

Just a moment and my life can change. Completely.I just.

I want it to be over.I want.

"Look who came,Mio!"I heard mom's voice.When she entered after her came another two tall guys in the suit.


I want to luck myself in my room.
With my manga.

"Hello."I stand.



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