No yesterday.-Mio

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I opened my eyes.And the first thing I do is sigh.I look at the turned with his back guy sitting on a  red gold throne and gold crown. On a top of the throne there is blue snake.Not moving not going around it just sirs there like it's frozened looking directly in my eyes.As he drinks from a  a gold cup something red.Everything around us black like seriously there is nothing else around us,it's like an hole  and yet I can see him just fine exept...

He's again turned.
I can't sew his face.Again.

"Why am I here,again?"I ask siting on the floor I feel tired already.
"You're asking the wrong person that."I hate how he talks like this.I can't understand anything.
"Can you talk more understandable?"I roll my eyes.I'm not sure for how long I'm here I expect a couple of hours maybe.
"Ask yourself this after all this us your dream.Or should  I say nightmare?''I heard him chuckling.Good.Tgat helped a lot Just brilliant.That guy's sick.Or maybe I'm sick because all of this is my imagination.
"If I imagined you how can you be so different from me?"
'You think we're different?You're wrong we're the same."I stand sighing.
"I want to wake up."

"Then wake up." and my stupid imagination.
"How?I've never done something like this before."I cross my arms.Everything I black what to do?
"But don't you think here is better than that old japanese house with that scary man?"I swallowed.He knows?How can he know?I haven't told him can he know?He's just from my imagination.No,no,no calm down,calm down.He is here beacuse I'm thinking,yeah I'm thinking that he knows.

"You should probably wake up soon."
I look at the snake.It's really beautiful though.A blue one.

Mmmm it's morning already...
It's so calm.Maybe I'm alone here.After Landon's strange words he vanished.I haven't seen him I locked the doors when the helpers went to their homes.Now I'm not sure if he's even here.The first day of that lonely week,I was alone.Atleast I was without him ,that should make me happy but I don't feel happy.
I stand and go tot he bathroom.
Maybe because I don't like being alone ,but I was always alone in Japan I can't see what changed.
Buy whatever it is it's good that I was alone,it will be really good if be goes every night to party.
I walk out and put short  gray sweatpants and oversized back t-shirt .Maybe I'm just bored.

I haven't read for a long time.It's like I'm in a hole.Maybe that will help.I walk downstairs.But first I need to eat,I'm hungry.
I see the staff  standing there the table ready with so many chairs and wow so many food.
"Good morning Miss Hirori."A woman bows.I'm really uncomfortable after all this.The moment I started living here I really didn't notice how they bow to everyone,that's normal in Japan but in used to me bowing not the other way around.
"Good morning."I say and sit on my place.
"Is someone coming?"I ask as I put pancakes on my plate.
"No Miss Hirori.You and Mr Asher are the only one here."Landon.So he came?But how and why I didn't hear anything at the morning?Maybe he is still sleeping.
"What's the time?Can you tell me?"I eat oh my...from a those english stuff pancakes are my favorite.
"Of course. It's  thirteen and thirty."

Ow.I slept too much that's why I was hungry at the morning.Why so much?
"Thanks."I murmur eating.
"No need Miss."
"You can go now,it's fine."athey don't need to stay on foot all breakfast.
"Yes Miss."They all bow and go leaving me alone.
That's good though,right?I sleep much ,I don't dream about...that time anymore...and it looks like o won't be alone with Landon  too. It's.It's perfect.I hear steps and I don't know why but hear starts beating.

"You're up early."His voice cracks my head.Lazy,unbothred by the fact that he's shirtless in a fucking gray pants infront of his step-sister.Fucking perfect."You're not."I try to look unbothered when I finally look at him.His blond hair in mess,his blue eyes looking at me his hands in his pockets.I can't look.I just can't.That's crossing the line.I won't cross it.I swallow.He sits across me without moving his eyes from me.I'm not sure if I should bring our akward stare from yesterday but maybe I shouldn't I'll just make things more akward.

And it's not like it means something for him either.
"Looks like you choosed english one this morning."He gives me grin I can't help but laugh.
"You are pretty concerned about my good ,huh?"I cock my eyebrows.He laughs."Where were you yesterday?"Damn.I couldn't help myself after all.
"I locked the doors and yet you still woke up here."I drink orange juice.
"I didn't know you were so concerned about where I go."He cocked eyebrow and grinned.Asshole.
Atleast he could've answered.
"You have mouth you can answer though."Damn girl didn't mean to sound mean.Was he with the girl from yesterday?
He gaze narrowed.

"Last time I checked we weren't real family.Listen little japanese.I don't care if you ask or  not I  don't need to give any  fucking explanation to anyone get it?"He scoffed.
Yeah like I said asshole.
I stood up.
"And here I though you could be nice but you're just the dick I knew you are."I walk out.


Be the good to my badOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara