Climax of that idiot-Mio

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I can't believe it.I'm going to London,to London.What's going to happen will I adapt?Well for sure no.It will be like how it was in Kyoto and now I will have to meet his grandmother and three aunts and three husbands and four cousin...ugh it will be like a big party which I will immediately leave.I even said my goodbye...

Atleast the song is nice.Yep nice choice.Meddle about.
But my eyes hurt,I tried my best to not think about the dream.Ugh,why now?Of all the time?I thought I stopped,I haven't told mom too.Maybe it was because of the pressure.

I glance at Landon.Seeing how he is playing on his phone and writes ,he is so freely it's like all of this isn't new for him like he doesn't have problem with all of that.

Such a snake.

A blue snake.

I look out of the window.It's all white and blue,I can see the sun is really bright.My eyes feel heavy.
We didn't even need to wait in the line.They have so many mans doing their work and they drive Mercedes.I knew they are big thing but I didn't thought they were so much.
Okay maybe I will just sleep a little.
Plus I looked it we have like fifteen hours but I'm kind of hungry... forget it.I will just close my eyes for a little.













食器棚のドアを開けるのが怖い。ここは暗いから。でもお母さんの声は聞こえない. 誰かがドアを開けています.




"Little japanese."

"Come on,little japanese don't make me wait so much.I'm bored."What a nasty yet beatifull smile.

"Landon?"I rub my eyes taking the earphones off as I correct the wau I sat puting my hair in place.What's with the blanket?Blue blanket?
"Finally!And here I thought you'd just sleep the whole flight."He took hamburgers and other stuff smiling.I want water and a normal dream.Without demons and posh boys.
"Thanks ,sweetie."I think he winked to some girl.I rolled my eyes looking out.It's really sunny...
"I want water."
He looks at me and gives me water brushing my fingers by mistake I think looking with warm gaze and put his cold big hand on my forehead under my bangs.I should jerk him off.But...Fine, I don't have the strength for this.
"You don't have fever."He touched his forehead."Or you have?"He asked more himself than me making confused face I thought this was his first time doing that.

I don't even know when I started laughing but I did.Then drinked the water and touched my forehead then I moved closer to him.I hesitantly went to touch but it was harder and harder to touch with his eyes full on me.So dark like night.Like nasty night that screams for you,just for you.To come and try.But I don't even know what.It's like he is looking in my soul.Trying to find whatever there is and take it.

What did change in his gaze?

"Are you gonna touch or should I wait more?"He whispered.Why is he whispering?We aren't doing anything bad.Right?
When I don't touch he snorts like a monkey and takes my hand in his and puts it on his forehead.Gosh his hair is so soft. So soft. Why is it so soft? They are like diamonds wavy middle hair suits him so well.

Why is he looking at me like that?

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I'm hungry ."He licks his pink lips looking down at me.

"Then eat."I cock eyebrow still not moving.Why aren't you moving this hand of yours?Move it.This is not appropriate.

"I'm thinking about it."

"Would like something else Mr Asher?"The same blond girl asks looking at us or more at me.I move my hand away and cough.And he corrects his way of sitting.I didn't really notice how tall he is.

"Not really,sweetheart."He gives me my plate.Hamburger?Fries?Coca cola?I glare at him and he dismissed her as she glared at me.
"What now little japanese?"He put his hand under his chin.
"What's that?"He snort.
"Can't you see?Food."He started eating.
"Couldn't you order rice with beef?"I asked thinking how absurd I sound right now.Now he starts laughing.God what a sunshine.

"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't order rice for you.Hey.Be happy that I even ordered for you.Why did you sleep and not order?"He rolled his eyes.
Gosh this!
I rolled my eyes and started eating.I'm hungry.I pick the blanket that was a little falling. Probably mom put it.
I too my phone.It was nine and something I slept like ten now it's fifteen.I slept for five hours?

Wow.Just wow.
Then ten more hours?

They both are sleeping too.
Well atleast we have phones.
But where will we charge or phones?
I don't want to ask that guy.

I made my hair right looking outside.
What is doing aunt Yamaki?It's pity that we are not bestfriends with her son.He is older than me with seven years so he is now in college and we can really be close.I don't have a friends to text to.I should read from where I stopped and stop dreaming fucking dreams about fucking people.

And this guy should stop glancing thinking I don't notice.


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