Chapter 4

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"So. Should we take her to a doctor?" I asked while holding the body of the star plasma vessel. I look down and look at her features. She's still quite young, middle school maybe? I don't know why I even think about this. Just then I feel her stir awake. "Oh you're awa-!" Before I finished my sentence I was slapped, hard. Tamamo is asking me if I was fine in an anxious voice as Satoru walks over to me and starts laughing at me while Suguru tries to calm the star plasma vessel down. "Hey, don't worry Riko, we're here to protect you." I stand up while holding my cheek and look at Satoru with annoyance. "Liar! You look like a Liar! And what's up with those bangs?! They're weird!" Suguru just smiles and turns towards me and Satoru and calmly asks. "Can you two hold her legs?"

As we pulled Riko's arms and legs, the sound of the elevator made us stop pulling on Riko and drop her. When the elevator opened a girl in a maid outfit riding on one of Suguru's curse greets us. "Kuroi! Help! These fiends are trying to pull me apart!" Riko quickly crawls towards Kuroi while I talk to Suguru and Satoru. "Hey Suguru, can you believe that our friend here really loves knives?~" Me and Suguru started laughing our ass off teasing Satoru. "Don't worry my lady, they are our allies." Kuroi said as she pets Suguru's curse. "Kuroi, what are you riding?" Riko's question seemed to snap Kuroi from petting the curse. "Oh! This is the bangs guy's curse technique." I laugh along with Satoru from seeing Suguru's reaction. "Can you please not call me that?!"

Suguru heaved a sigh and finally calmed down. "That's curse spirit manipulation. Like it implies, I can control the curse spirits I take in." I pull my phone out to show something to Suguru.

"Man, she's spunkier than I thought." Satoru said while sighing. "Aren't you gonna get all sad because of this merger thing? And here I thought I'll have to protect your ass lil missy." Satoru said with his usual snarky tone, while I showed Suguru the picture of Satoru holding his knee in pain from earlier. "Ridiculous! A simple comment from a simpleton such as yourself!" Hearing this, Satoru's eyebrow twitched in annoyance. "Huh?!" Riko pulls a pose and starts talking about how she is Master Tengen and Master Tengen is her. "She probably has no friends from the way she speaks." Satoru said while facing me and Suguru. "I talk fine in school, you know!" Then out of nowhere, Riko let out a sharp gasp. "School! Kuroi, what time is it?!" Kuroi checks her watch. "It's still before noon. My lady, perhaps school can-" "Nonsense! I'm going!"

We decided to go to Riko's school and wait by the pool. "Damn this school is nice, it even has a pool." As I play with the water, I receive a vision of Tamamo's last two tails. A beach and a forest near the ocean. 'Tama-chan did you see that?'

'Yup! It seems our last tails are calling for us darling!' Tamamo then starts rambling more about our wedding. While Tamamo is rambling, I start to think of the possible places the tails could be. Okinawa maybe? Maybe they're in Ishigaki. Well whatever, I can think about this later. I stand up and walk over to the three. "So what's going on? I heard Satoru being all cranky earlier." Satoru looks irritated from my comment and I just offer him a smirk. "We're gonna let Riko enjoy herself with her friends." I nodded at what Suguru just said, that's fair I guess.

"Suguru, how're your curses doing?" Satoru asked and Suguru puts two of his fingers on his temple. "I wish I could share my vision with my curses like Mei does. But if something happens they'll immediately let me kn-." I look at Suguru with a questioning look when he suddenly stopped talking. "Satoru, Kei. We have to get to Riko, now. Two of my curses are exorcised.

Without wasting any time, all four of us start running to look for Riko. "Where's Riko?" I look over to Kuroi as we run into the school. "It's music class now. So either the music room or the chapel."

"Chapel?! There's a chapel in this school?!" I look at Kuroi amazed by how fancy this school is. "Kei, you take the chapel. Kuroi the music room. Satoru and I are gonna take care of the intruders." "Right!"

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